Calling all Bristol show-offs

Antony_de_H Posts: 91
edited April 2010 in MTB general
A pretty tidy photographer I know has come up with an idea to swell the coffers of Bristol's local trail maintenance group. He's holding a photo shoot which riders can join for a small donation to the war chest. In return participants will get some pro quality photos of their riding. We're talking remote flashes, post-production, and anything else it takes to make your skillz on the bike look gooood. ;-)


The session is tomorrow night, starting at 6 pm, so if you want to join in then drop me an email (in my profile) and I'll fill you in on the details.

If you need more convincing, check out Paul's site at and our site at


  • joec1
    joec1 Posts: 494
    would love to...

    but its a little short notice... if you do another (with more notice) let me know.. and i will grab some of the lads from setting a as well. who would be more than happy to partake - MTBing in Wilts and the southwest, join up for info and ride details.
  • No worries. I actually sent a press release to BR a couple of weeks back, but it hasn't made it on to the site. Clearly local grass roots groups doing their bit for the MTB scene are less newsworthy than the latest bit of shiny kit. :wink:

    Anyway, if you want to be informed well in advance of future photo sessions , you can sign up to email updates on our website at, follow BristolTrails on Twitter, or search for Bristol Trails Group on Facebook.
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    The photos came out great, I think everyone's really happy with them! There's a chance we'll be doing one in the future, so get in touch if you want to come along.

    You can see all the photos at
  • andyrm
    andyrm Posts: 550
    Wicked stuff - had hoped to make it down but the start time was a bit early for me!! Definitely looking to hit the next one though....
  • llamafarmer
    llamafarmer Posts: 1,893
    It was a little early for me too, but gutted I missed it now, the pics look great!
  • If we do another one we're going to make the start time a bit later so more people can come. We were a bit limited by the amount of daylight for this one.

    Paul can carry on shooting in bad light with no problems, but if you've ever done a 24 hour race, you'll know how hard it is to ride a tricky bit of trail in the dark with a flash bulb going off in your face!
  • The next one is going to be on Wednesday 12 May at 6.30. Location TBA, 10 riders max, £10 via Paypal to bristoltrailsgroupATgmailDOTcom gets you a place!