Raw hide... new saddle needed

JamieW Posts: 114
edited April 2010 in MTB buying advice
Hey i need some advice please.... did the builth wells mtb marathon yesterday on a Fizik tundra saddle (stock saddle on the giant anthem x) and the saddle is great for a couple of hours... but after 4+ i'm more than a lil sore today.

looking at riding lots of enduros / marathons this year so need a new saddle i can survive on.

i have got on well the the specialized alias saddles on the road bikes for a while now, and also the fizik airone.

can anyone suggest a saddle which is great for hours in the saddle at a time? (i am fully aware that everyone has personal preference but ideas for buying would be great)


  • SpiderNdc
    SpiderNdc Posts: 137
    did you consider padded shorts ? because with saddles its hard to suggest something
  • JamieW
    JamieW Posts: 114
    yep. in padded shorts already.... just looking for saddle suggestions to look at.
  • Loads of people here would recommend the Charge Spoon and I'd be one of them! Great bit of kit and good value too. The basic one can be found for about £20. They look great and seem to work for many people.

    I bought an X4 before Christmas and that Fizik saddle was seriously painful! A ten minute spin around the block was more then enough.
  • Northwind
    Northwind Posts: 14,675
    Best thing with the Spoon is, (like I always say, yawn) you can sell them used for almost what you pay for them new so they're not any sort of a risk.

    But it's too open to taste, I love the Charge Knife even though it's a skinny, shapeless, unpadded razor blade of a thing and I don't wear padded shorts. By rights it should be a trip to the piles clinic but it just fits me perfectly.
    Uncompromising extremist
  • JamieW
    JamieW Posts: 114
    mmm.... might have a look into one of these charge saddles.

    @MatelotFreddy - have you got / tried the fizik gobi? they just seem like a lot of money for a possibly 2nd uncomfortable saddle... (i know i know..... its all personal preference)

    has anyone tried the SDG bel air? seems to have mixed reviews.... comfy but liable to creaking / breaking???
  • Broonster
    Broonster Posts: 440
    +1 fo the Charge Spoon.

    Like folks say, it only costs 20 quid and there is minimal risk there if you don't like it. But, on the other hand, you could be spending 50/60/70 quid on a saddle you end of not getting on with.

    Personally, I love the Spoon. Have spent all day in the sadde before without issue with it.
    Winter: Moda Nocturne
    Road: Cervelo R3
    'Cross: Ridley X-Night
    Commuter: Genesis Day One
  • .blitz
    .blitz Posts: 6,197
    Another vote for the Spoon. I also have a Prologo Vertigo Max which is like a Spoon on steroids.
  • hoochylala
    hoochylala Posts: 987
    +1 for the spoon - I use one and thinks its great. Think I did see a Ragley Cheeky saddle also recommended the other day by someone as a similar but alternative option to the spoon.

    http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/Mode ... elID=45529
  • JamieW
    JamieW Posts: 114
    thanks for all the suggestions guys.... at 20 quid for spoon think i think i might try one of them out, can spend more than that on a good night out...

    gonna see if i can find a gobi so sit on and see how it feels.
  • JamesBrckmn
    JamesBrckmn Posts: 1,360
    yep, i got a black spoon from evans and it's been great, much better than the fizik that came stock on my rockrider