everything's breaking!!!!

welshkev Posts: 9,690
edited April 2010 in The Crudcatcher
i've snapped the spring on the suspension of my car, then he told me that the brakes needed doing when i took it to the garage (gf cousin so i know he's not lying). the rear end of my bike is creaking and groaning - i think a bearing or 2 might have gone now on a ride around cwmcarn this morning i've blown a seal on my pikes!!! oil's pissing out everywhere :(

on the up side when i got back to the car i was next to a very nice guy and his wife and she just happened to work for tf tuned, told me they have a 1 day turn around on repair right now and it should be about 85 quid, still have to wait til i get paid though :cry:


  • Hercule Q
    Hercule Q Posts: 2,655
    today i noticed a massive kink in my rear brake hose and my deraillier hanger is bent and the shock bushes are gonna need replacing soon. :( but it gives me an excuse to fit blue hoses to match the other things i'm buying for it :D

    Blurring the line between bravery and stupidity since 1986!
  • The cd drive on my computer has decided to stop working! nothing i have done works so im gonna take it to some IT geeks when i get back to uni. sadly not for a week or so.

    My bike also has some fairly interesting noises coming from it. Gonna get it all stripped and serviced.

    Go big or go home.
  • Hercule Q
    Hercule Q Posts: 2,655
    stupid winter eating our bikes :evil: it should be banned :lol:

    Blurring the line between bravery and stupidity since 1986!
  • whyamihere
    whyamihere Posts: 7,719
    Everything's fine for me.

  • Thread8
    Thread8 Posts: 479
    whyamihere wrote:
    Everything's fine for me.


    Don't curse it... :twisted:
    Haro Thread 8
    Please help!

    "It's like parkour, on a bike"
  • My elbow has stopped working, and my helmet is smashed (no, not THAT helmet :roll: )
  • fletch8928
    fletch8928 Posts: 756
    Random clank/schnap when putting heavy load through cranks on Cassandra. The Kula(unnamed) has stopped going down the front gears.
    fly like a mouse, run like a cushion be the small bookcase!
  • jay12
    jay12 Posts: 6,126
    my front mech keeps on fecking up. solved the issue though. hope it stays that way
  • sparrowlegs78
    sparrowlegs78 Posts: 2,583
    The Merlin has a creak, but that could just be me :?
    Caz xx
  • D-Cyph3r
    D-Cyph3r Posts: 847
    and my helmet is smashed (no, not THAT helmet :roll: )

    That (painfully) reminds me, my shlong got introduced to the back end of my stem thursday night after my bars clipped an iron fence obscured by overgrown bushery.... they didn't exactly "hit it off" well, pretty much on non-speaking terms now. But seriously it was a HARD knock, one of those ones where you start dreading the warm, wet feeling of blood.

    Fortunately come friday all was well, no broken penis. But I have looked at a few cups since.
  • bails87
    bails87 Posts: 12,998
    I noticed a very worrying bit of oil seeping out of the Rebas yesterday. I'll inspect them tonight, I'm going to Wales for a few days at the weekend, so it better not be serious.

    "As I said last time, it won't happen again."
  • Surf-Matt
    Surf-Matt Posts: 5,952
    Cassette, chainset, rear hub, both brakes, chain and possibly front hub have all decided to give up at once. New bits going on tomorrow. Expensive but quite exciting :wink:
  • MacAndCheese
    MacAndCheese Posts: 1,944
    Took my Wolf Ridge into get a brake bleed and ask the shop to sort out the sticky levers...turns out it's a known issue that the seals/springs in the levers aren't up to the job so they have been sent away to Hayes for new parts under warranty.

    Still waiting for a 7spd cassette to be delivered to get the commuter back up and running.

    My Fox F100s still have intermittent knocking problem(even after a £99 service)..however i have found if I turn them upside down for a few seconds it goes...
    Santa Cruz Chameleon
    Orange Alpine 160
  • welshkev
    welshkev Posts: 9,690
    i have the best gf in the world. i've just got may car back from the garage and it cost 200 quid, we were talking on the way back about my bike being fooked and i told her that a service on my pikes will be £85, i said i'd wait til i got paid and she said no way you can get it done now i know how much you love riding your bike :D:D:D

    how awsome is she 8)
  • You now need to tell her that they wont take a normal service and you'll have to get them push'd.

    Then tell her to go make you some cake!

  • Thread8
    Thread8 Posts: 479
    Just checked my chain and it's at 1% wear, so new chain, cassette and front ring for me

    Me chainguide totally gave up a while back and i havent bothered to change it, although I might as well seeing as im forking out for all the rest of it

    Just dont know if i can afford it after all the other stuff i just ordered :?
    Haro Thread 8
    Please help!

    "It's like parkour, on a bike"
  • bails87
    bails87 Posts: 12,998
    You sure you need chainring and cassette too?

    "As I said last time, it won't happen again."
  • Thread8
    Thread8 Posts: 479
    bails87 wrote:
    You sure you need chainring and cassette too?

    yup, all looking pretty sharkfin to me :(
    Haro Thread 8
    Please help!

    "It's like parkour, on a bike"