Millar's TT win in De Panne - The Figures

Anonymous Posts: 79,667
edited April 2010 in Pro race


  • inseine
    inseine Posts: 5,788
    Crikey indeed!
    A lesson in consistancy. See how his heart rate, power and cadence are consistant throughout the ride. He gets in the zone quickly and holds it, no ramping at the end. Impressive.
  • LangerDan
    LangerDan Posts: 6,132
    I just re-set his power zones to 12 W below Nap D.

    His peak power (~1100 W coming out of the turns) was 300W less than Chinny was supposed to have produced on Sunday.
    'This week I 'ave been mostly been climbing like Basso - Shirley Basso.'
  • LangerDan wrote:
    I just re-set his power zones to 12 W below Nap D.

    His peak power (~1100 W coming out of the turns) was 300W less than Chinny was supposed to have produced on Sunday.

    He didn't have to leather it up any hills and drop Boonen though :lol:
    "A cyclist has nothing to lose but his chain"

    PTP Runner Up 2015
  • calvjones
    calvjones Posts: 3,850
    A fine advert for the new Garmin 500.

    474 Watts for 18minutes - 6.3 W/kg. How far will that get him up the Tourmalet in July?

    Strava is not Zen.
  • SpaceJunk
    SpaceJunk Posts: 1,157
    calvjones wrote:
    A fine advert for the new Garmin 500.

    474 Watts for 18minutes - 6.3 W/kg. How far will that get him up the Tourmalet in July?

    Not wrong.

    It's goodbye to my trusty Polar S725.

    That website just clinched it for me (plus the Garmin software runs on Macs)
  • I'm working from home today awaiting the delivery of my Edge 500 at this very moment. :)

    Need to find the extra cash to spring for a PowerTap though. :(
  • DaveyL
    DaveyL Posts: 5,167
    For some reason the phrase "cart before horse" is springing to mind... :D
    Le Blaireau (1)
  • :D You're not wrong.
  • Jeff Jones
    Jeff Jones Posts: 1,865
    This was also discussed on - these power figures might be a bit high because he's using oval chainrings with SRMs. And he may have had smart recording turned on on the Garmin, which will further overestimate things.

    For reference, he averaged 396W (PowerTap) over 36min in a Tour TT a few years ago to finish 3rd.

    His De Panne TT was still enough to win, which is what counts :D
    Jeff Jones

    Product manager, Sports
  • jerry3571
    jerry3571 Posts: 1,532
    WOW!! These are his best figures since he was last riding on a high!!
    I don't mean to say "high on drugs"; I mean the other high; no, really I do. :wink:

    “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving”- Albert Einstein

    "You can't ride the Tour de France on mineral water."
    -Jacques Anquetil
  • csp
    csp Posts: 777
    Gustav Larsson, 2009 ToC Solvang TT, 30 minutes, 486 watts ... ZYGX2Z4YRE
  • frenchfighter
    frenchfighter Posts: 30,642
    Tony Montana's fiigures from Flanders:
    Contador is the Greatest
  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    Tony Montana's fiigures from Flanders:
    Maximum figures don't tell you much - although 1450W without an actual sprint is pretty major
  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    Jeff Jones wrote:
    And he may have had smart recording turned on on the Garmin, which will further overestimate things.
    Schoolboy error for a pro surely?
  • Jeff Jones
    Jeff Jones Posts: 1,865
    Bronzie wrote:
    Maximum figures don't tell you much - although 1450W without an actual sprint is pretty major
    He also averaged 285W for 6+ hrs(!) Which means his normalised power would have been well into the 300s. And probably close to 500 (6+W/kg ish) for the last 20mins.
    Schoolboy error for a pro surely?
    Yes - not saying he did it btw. But turning smart recording off (and zero averaging on I think) to get correct power figures is not that obvious unless you read certain forums. Ditto not using SRMs with oval chainrings.
    Jeff Jones

    Product manager, Sports
  • northernneil
    northernneil Posts: 1,549
    why does it have average speed and average moving speed ?

    he didnt stop at any time ?
