cycling from the Kincardine Bridge to Edinburgh

Bigdod Posts: 108
Does anyone have a detailed route description for cycling on road from the Kincardine Bridge back to Edinburgh. I think the options from Linlithgow are fairly clear, but I am unsure about getting from the bridge through Grangemouth to Linlithgow. Suggestions?


  • scapaslow
    scapaslow Posts: 305
    I don't have great detail here to give you but the only time i have done this i followed the NCN (round the Forth) route which was incredibly slow as it went round and through Grangemouth and proved difficult to follow in many places.

    The quickest way is to follow the NCN route from the bridge until you join the main road after Skinflats. From then on stick to the main road which skirts the motorway - if you follow that heading for the refinery you will come to a right turn (unclassified road) which will be signed as the NCN route. This road takes you up the hill to the main Boness - Linlithgow road which you then turn right to join.

    From Linlithgow you head to Winchburgh then Dalmeny which is straight forward.

    The other option from The Kinc Bridge is to go via Larbert, Falkirk, Polmont to Linlithgow but this is a busy traffic route.
  • mercurykev
    mercurykev Posts: 264
    You have a couple of options - either north or south of river.

    North of river you can go via Culross - Low Valleyfield - Rosyth and then over the Forth Road bridge before picking up NCR1.

    South of the River - Skinflats - Grangemouth and then take the A904 through Bo'ness and just before Newton you can cut through to Kirkliston and head into Edinburgh.

    The north route is a wee bit shorter (taking the starting point to be the Kincardine bridge) and is a bit nice IMHO.
  • Bigdod
    Bigdod Posts: 108
    great-thanks for that guys.