Cancellara: Devolder and Boonen 'done' in Flanders

csp Posts: 777
edited April 2010 in Pro race ... tics-barbs

According to Devolder, that's what Cancellara told journalists.


  • mididoctors
    mididoctors Posts: 19,073
    Breschel to cover quick step shenanigans ...Spartacus to rip everyone's legs off in the final...

    fighting talk from Fabian ain't all bluster..

    if a Breschel+( pozzatto flecha devolder) type combo get away and Breschel is told to work is about the only way Cancellara is going to lose..


    cards on the table (rather)
    "If I was a 38 year old man, I definitely wouldn't be riding a bright yellow bike with Hello Kitty disc wheels, put it that way. What we're witnessing here is the world's most high profile mid-life crisis" Afx237vi Mon Jul 20, 2009 2:43 pm
  • nick hanson
    nick hanson Posts: 1,655
    We'll see how Cancellara goes.
    He did Nowt last spring
    so many cols,so little time!
  • timoid.
    timoid. Posts: 3,133
    For a two time Ronde winner Devolder gets an awful lot of flack.
    It's a little like wrestling a gorilla. You don't quit when you're tired. You quit when the gorilla is tired.
  • Le Commentateur
    Le Commentateur Posts: 4,099
    edited March 2010
    ...because he's not interested in winning (or even racing in) much else, it seems.

    I suppose van Petegem was much the same: the local hero on his day in ’03 and back in hibernation by May.
  • frenchfighter
    frenchfighter Posts: 30,642
    Contador is the Greatest
  • mididoctors
    mididoctors Posts: 19,073
    Timoid. wrote:
    For a two time Ronde winner Devolder gets an awful lot of flack.

    I suppose the perception is he is gifted the wins by Boonen marking it all out from behind...

    which is slightly unfair but not completely untrue... the cancellara Breschel duo neutralise that option me thinks
    "If I was a 38 year old man, I definitely wouldn't be riding a bright yellow bike with Hello Kitty disc wheels, put it that way. What we're witnessing here is the world's most high profile mid-life crisis" Afx237vi Mon Jul 20, 2009 2:43 pm
  • Only if Breschel has the legs to mark one or other of them for a good while...quick step have the Chavenel card to play too, he had a big role last year.
    "In many ways, my story was that of a raging, Christ-like figure who hauled himself off the cross, looked up at the Romans with blood in his eyes and said 'My turn, sock cookers'"

  • Oh and Van Petegem was a legend...knew the roads like the back of his hand and spent most of the Roubaix/Flanders week drunk.
    "In many ways, my story was that of a raging, Christ-like figure who hauled himself off the cross, looked up at the Romans with blood in his eyes and said 'My turn, sock cookers'"

  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    I suppose the perception is he is gifted the wins by Boonen marking it all out from behind... which is slightly unfair but not completely untrue
    I've watched last year's race a couple of times this week (turbo fodder) - Devolder did a huge amount of riding on the front for Boonen, and was still strong enough to jump away on Berendries (?) and drag Preben van Hecke up to Chavanel & Quinziato. Oh, and then put a minute into the chasers in the final 15km.

    Awesome ride - he deserves a lot more credit than the "he was gifted it" bullsh1t!
  • calvjones
    calvjones Posts: 3,850
    Bronzie wrote:
    I suppose the perception is he is gifted the wins by Boonen marking it all out from behind... which is slightly unfair but not completely untrue
    I've watched last year's race a couple of times this week (turbo fodder) - Devolder did a huge amount of riding on the front for Boonen, and was still strong enough to jump away on Berendries (?) and drag Preben van Hecke up to Chavanel & Quinziato. Oh, and then put a minute into the chasers in the final 15km.

    Awesome ride - he deserves a lot more credit than the "he was gifted it" bullsh1t!


    You should have stayed at the hotel one more night mate - it was pretty cool when the QS boys came back to celebrate (although Tommy was very quiet).

    Now get out in the rain!

    Strava is not Zen.
  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    calvjones wrote:
    You should have stayed at the hotel one more night mate - it was pretty cool when the QS boys came back to celebrate (although Tommy was very quiet)
    "Fish in bacon" for the win - Devolder's secret! :lol:

    I'm back at the Ibis in Aalst tomorrow - wonder if we'll get any pros staying this year?
  • mididoctors
    mididoctors Posts: 19,073
    Bronzie wrote:
    I suppose the perception is he is gifted the wins by Boonen marking it all out from behind... which is slightly unfair but not completely untrue
    I've watched last year's race a couple of times this week (turbo fodder) - Devolder did a huge amount of riding on the front for Boonen, and was still strong enough to jump away on Berendries (?) and drag Preben van Hecke up to Chavanel & Quinziato. Oh, and then put a minute into the chasers in the final 15km.

    Awesome ride - he deserves a lot more credit than the "he was gifted it" bullsh1t!

    yeah he did monster it more than many give him credit for... even if you count team Belgium press bike support
    "If I was a 38 year old man, I definitely wouldn't be riding a bright yellow bike with Hello Kitty disc wheels, put it that way. What we're witnessing here is the world's most high profile mid-life crisis" Afx237vi Mon Jul 20, 2009 2:43 pm
  • mididoctors
    mididoctors Posts: 19,073
    Only if Breschel has the legs to mark one or other of them for a good while...quick step have the Chavenel card to play too, he had a big role last year.

    I think Breschel has the legs all right as long as he doesn't puncture at the wrong time...

    there is a chance this whole devolder is too fat lefevre in the press thing is a gigantic ruse by QS

    they ccan always flip it by forcing QS to mark Breschel and not wait for a move from QS
    "If I was a 38 year old man, I definitely wouldn't be riding a bright yellow bike with Hello Kitty disc wheels, put it that way. What we're witnessing here is the world's most high profile mid-life crisis" Afx237vi Mon Jul 20, 2009 2:43 pm
  • calvjones
    calvjones Posts: 3,850
    Bronzie wrote:
    calvjones wrote:
    You should have stayed at the hotel one more night mate - it was pretty cool when the QS boys came back to celebrate (although Tommy was very quiet)
    "Fish in bacon" for the win - Devolder's secret! :lol:

    I'm back at the Ibis in Aalst tomorrow - wonder if we'll get any pros staying this year?

    Ach, wish I was - doing Tilff instead this year. No wonder you're on the trainer!

    According to the girl behind the bar QS been there for a couple of years so you might be lucky.


    Strava is not Zen.
  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    CalvJones wrote:
    doing Tilff instead this year.
    Did the Tilff-Bastonge-Tilff ride in 2007 - it was minging down in the Ardennes even at the end of June - damn near caught the train back to Liege it was so cold and wet. Enjoy!
    CalvJones wrote:
    According to the girl behind the bar QS been there for a couple of years so you might be lucky.
    Hoping to get lucky with the girl behind the bar is the reason I keep going back :lol:
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,660
    Would Devolder have won 2 Rondes on another team?


    Does he get paid a lot?


    Does he do anything else the rest of the season?


    Have other riders who have won the Ronde with the same paycheck also performed at races other than de Ronde?


    That's the issue.
  • Tom Butcher
    Tom Butcher Posts: 3,830
    Who knows what he'd have won on another team ? That's irrelevant anyway - Quickstep want riders to win for them - if he can win in a Quickstep team why should it bother them if he couldn't do the same in the Garmin, Radioshack or some other team ?

    In terms of his palmares 2008, and 2009 are good years - 2010 has only just kicked off - bit unfair to give him stick until we see what he does. As for his wages - well nobody held a gun to Quickstep's head however much they are - if they are overpaying him that's hardly his fault.

    it's a hard life if you don't weaken.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,660
    Who knows what he'd have won on another team ? That's irrelevant anyway - Quickstep want riders to win for them - if he can win in a Quickstep team why should it bother them if he couldn't do the same in the Garmin, Radioshack or some other team ?

    In terms of his palmares 2008, and 2009 are good years - 2010 has only just kicked off - bit unfair to give him stick until we see what he does. As for his wages - well nobody held a gun to Quickstep's head however much they are - if they are overpaying him that's hardly his fault.

    His power/etc stats says he could be a true all rounder - more so than Gilbert, and he promised himself to Levefre that he could win monuments and compete for GT overall wins.

    Hence the contract.
  • DaveyL
    DaveyL Posts: 5,167
    Isn't Devolder the guy who Armstrong said , a few years ago, would be a good "project" for GTs?
    Le Blaireau (1)
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    DaveyL wrote:
    Isn't Devolder the guy who Armstrong said , a few years ago, would be a good "project" for GTs?


    And he did give it a crack at the Vuelta. Did a phenomenal TT and then promptly blew up. Big engine but not the smartest guy. I remember Pieper remarking that he was known for not being very sharp in races.

    Just shows the value of being radio controlled in the classics by Q.S.
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • moray_gub
    moray_gub Posts: 3,328
    Who knows what he'd have won on another team ? That's irrelevant anyway - Quickstep want riders to win for them - if he can win in a Quickstep team why should it bother them if he couldn't do the same in the Garmin, Radioshack or some other team ?

    In terms of his palmares 2008, and 2009 are good years - 2010 has only just kicked off - bit unfair to give him stick until we see what he does. As for his wages - well nobody held a gun to Quickstep's head however much they are - if they are overpaying him that's hardly his fault.

    His power/etc stats says he could be a true all rounder - more so than Gilbert, and he promised himself to Levefre that he could win monuments and compete for GT overall wins.

    Hence the contract.

    What a rider promises he could do is no basis for awarding a contract. QS thought he could do well in GTs so if he being over paid the blame likes fair and square with them for over estimating his abilities not the rider.
    Gasping - but somehow still alive !
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,660
    Moray Gub wrote:
    Who knows what he'd have won on another team ? That's irrelevant anyway - Quickstep want riders to win for them - if he can win in a Quickstep team why should it bother them if he couldn't do the same in the Garmin, Radioshack or some other team ?

    In terms of his palmares 2008, and 2009 are good years - 2010 has only just kicked off - bit unfair to give him stick until we see what he does. As for his wages - well nobody held a gun to Quickstep's head however much they are - if they are overpaying him that's hardly his fault.

    His power/etc stats says he could be a true all rounder - more so than Gilbert, and he promised himself to Levefre that he could win monuments and compete for GT overall wins.

    Hence the contract.

    What a rider promises he could do is no basis for awarding a contract. QS thought he could do well in GTs so if he being over paid the blame likes fair and square with them for over estimating his abilities not the rider.

    That may well be, but it does give Levefre good reason to winge about him!
  • Tonymufc
    Tonymufc Posts: 1,016
    We'll see how Cancellara goes.
    He did Nowt last spring

    One slice of humble pie or two?