Convert from 8 speed to 9 speed

mickedwards61 Posts: 175
edited March 2010 in MTB workshop & tech
I hope this topic is in the right place, forgive me if not! I have searched high and low for the answer to this question, but I am sure I'm not the first to ask it, so again please forgive me!

I have some new wheels and hydro brakes coming, and as a result will need to buy some new shifters (currently the gears and brakes are built into the same unit). I was toying with converting to 9 speed as I need to get new shifters anyway. Now I know I will need to get a 9 speed cassette, but my questions are these

1) Will I need a new chainset and cranks, as the existing ones are used for a 8 speed?
2) Can I keep the existing derailleurs?
