...must have bike...must spend...*twitch*

Bunneh Posts: 1,329
edited March 2010 in The bottom bracket
It's been 3 weeks since I asked the LBS to remove that bottom bracket and I'm still waiting. He claims to have a backlog but 3 weeks seems a long time; anyway I'm digressing into a tea fuelled rant, I shall stop that.

The idea was to replace the whole drive train, but I got to thinking; what was the point in replacing the parts on a 10 yr old bike? I can actually afford to shell out £700 on a good second hand road machine. So off I went to another LBS, one who's been around since the 70s. I refused to go to the other because I've been waiting too long for what I consider to be quite a simple job.

As you all know it's quite the joy entering a well stocked cycle shop. I tell him my budget and ask about second hand rigs. My eyes light up at all the shinies as he claims not to have any suitably sized bikes in at the moment, but he shows me a Scott at just under my budget. Now I had my heart set on second hand; why? Mainly due to the fact that I can get better parts on a second hand for similar money...but I find myself thinking that maybe having a 700 quid new bike would be better due to warrenty etc. I leave my number but I look at the Scott and get that inner belly twing that everyone gets when they want something.

I wander around the store, being buzzed around by the mechanic who I've known for years (one of the grizzled, exceptionally good cycle mechanics that you only meet once or twice in your cycling life; so damn good at his job that you're sure he's a god in human form). I see a Colnago and dare to ask its price 'that's a tad over your budget at £1200' I get a damp feeling and the urge was getting stronger. I control said urge and decide to wait until I get a little more cash.

I walk home, thinking. I have an old MTB, full LX groupset bar the mechs which are Alivio. It's hardly been used and never hacked, and I know full well they do part exchanges. Hell maybe I could ask £200 for it in Loot or even here... Anyway I slept badly, not badly in a bad way but badly in an excited way; the way you feel on Christmas morning as a kid.

As I type this the urge is becoming overwhelming but I have bills to pay, one being £78 for my gas (I get quite cheap gas bills). I'm not writing this to ask for advice, I just want to get this massive buzz out into the open. I love cycling but I'm always on a budget for everything. My old road bike is my baby, but I just cannot justify spending on it now. Maybe when winter comes around again I'll need a winter bike, and that is perfect with its mudguards, I'll get some new (cheap) parts for it.

*sits back and whines like a puppy*

I want me fooking bike back!



  • Stuey01
    Stuey01 Posts: 1,273
    Mmmm colnago
    Not climber, not sprinter, not rouleur
  • ex-pat scot
    ex-pat scot Posts: 939
    You've got a case of "severe bike lust".

    Incurable, I'm afraid.

    COlnago it is, then.
    Commute: Langster -Singlecross - Brompton S2-LX

    Road: 95 Trek 5500 -Look 695 Aerolight eTap - Boardman TTe eTap

    Offroad: Pace RC200 - Dawes Kickback 2 tandem - Tricross - Boardman CXR9.8 - Ridley x-fire
  • you dont need gas...It's spring......mmmmmm new bike....
  • Flasheart
    Flasheart Posts: 1,278
    Or luxuries like electricity, food or water :wink:
    The universal aptitude for ineptitude makes any human accomplishment an incredible miracle. ...Stapp’s Ironical Paradox Law
  • pneumatic
    pneumatic Posts: 1,989
    just amble into your local bank, pull up a chair and ask the manager to lend you a few quid for a new bike. Tell him/her that you'll pay it off sometime in the future when the equity on your house has risen to an appropriate level.

    ooops! forgot, that doesn't work any more! :oops:

    Fast and Bulbous
    Eddingtons: 80 (Metric); 60 (Imperial)

  • ilm_zero7
    ilm_zero7 Posts: 2,213
    ease the pain or increase the budget - have you asked if your employer does the cyclescheme? i got £500 back off Gordon Brown (when he was in No.11 not No.10) towards my Wilier - now that is a doubly good feeling!
    Wiliers: Cento Uno/Superleggera R and Zero 7. Bianchi Infinito CV and Oltre XR2
  • tlw1
    tlw1 Posts: 22,301
    we only regret the things we don't do..................... :lol:
  • You could always justify it to yourself by saying you're doing your bit to help the economy ?

    mmmmm colnago.......
    2015 Cannondale Trigger Carbon 2
    2014 Canyon Ultimate Al
    2008 Kona Stinky
    2000 Specialized P3
  • Bunneh
    Bunneh Posts: 1,329
    The guys I work for don't do a cycle to work thingy, it's a small animal welfare charity. The cycle shop did ask about that and it's a shame I don't get anything back really.

    I'm going to have another wander over there today, wallet in pocket. I can afford it, I have saved up for a good while and I can hear the Colnago's screams in my sleep... 'take me away from here, the bike mechanic has sex with me...'

    I am so jolly pi**ed off at the other bike shop, I like to give people the benefit of the doubt but I now think he's just taking the piss...


    Urge to spend, rising...


    Flash, I'll give you a bell tonight to let you know if I did the deed :)
  • Can you not get on this 'Cycle to Work Scheme' I know a few how have taken advantage of this and all have nice new £1000 to 1500 machines

    "What!!!!! ride to work on mi new "Cycle to Work Scheme Bike" with Carbon Wheels" are ya f***'in mad..."That my best weekend bike....and I'll ride to work on my old hack as before"

    Nice work if you can get it
  • Bunneh
    Bunneh Posts: 1,329
    haha yeah :)

    Anyway I have ordered it, but went for a Scott as the Colnago wasn't quite up to what i wanted. The Scott's costing me around £1100 and they're throwing in free peddles and some shoes too. I pick it up in the morning!

  • symo
    symo Posts: 1,743
    I used to dream of a colnago eps. Luckily I got over it by being introduced to the Cervelo R3. Which thankfully is cheaper, more suits my chunky ass and is at least attainable in the future.
    we are the proud, the few, Descendents.

    Panama - finally putting a nail in the economic theory of the trickle down effect.
  • Flasheart
    Flasheart Posts: 1,278
    Nice one Dave. A new toy 8) You just need some decent tarmac to try it out on.

    BTW I tend to have my phone on silent all day at work so I didn't see your call or texts till later on. :wink:
    The universal aptitude for ineptitude makes any human accomplishment an incredible miracle. ...Stapp’s Ironical Paradox Law
  • Bunneh
    Bunneh Posts: 1,329
    No worries dude, I didn't expect a reply just had to send a text anyway - it's like Christmas Eve here :)
  • Bunneh
    Bunneh Posts: 1,329
    Weeeeeeeeeeeee got me baby!

    http://www.kudubikes.co.uk/cgi-bin/trol ... TERS102010

    Didn't buy it from those guys, got it local, only link I could find in an excited frenzy.

    Running lovely and a lot lighter than my other. I'm in such a happy place now! Gonna bugger off up around Belmont (lovely road up there) and get some piccies on me mobile of her :)
  • Flasheart
    Flasheart Posts: 1,278
    w00t Nice one matey. Enjoy :D
    The universal aptitude for ineptitude makes any human accomplishment an incredible miracle. ...Stapp’s Ironical Paradox Law
  • downfader
    downfader Posts: 3,686
    'take me away from here, the bike mechanic has sex with me...'

  • Bunneh
    Bunneh Posts: 1,329
    downfader wrote:
    'take me away from here, the bike mechanic has sex with me...'


    Always nice to make someone smile :)

    Anyway, it runs like a beast! The frame feels so strong and rigid, soon as I took it for some decent miles the feel was so much better than my old Ribble. Didn't go to far due to the clouds moving in but took it around 20 miles up around Chorley and back into Bolton (council repairing the roads...oh good god! Nice work too for a change). I haven't been able to use a large ring easily on the other, it used to be a bitch to drop down to lower but now I can jump up and down with almost no effort.

    The shifters confused me at first, I was all 'how the hell do I shift back up?' until I accidently touched the brake inwards and shifted up :oops: I know now.

    Normally I regret spending such a 'large' amount of cash on anything, hell I cried when I paid £450 for my new PC, but the bike's so worth it. I am actually scared to get it dirty so I'm avoiding wet weather for now, but give it time I'll so break that duct and get its paws damp - that or use the ribble when it's eventually repaired...
  • downfader
    downfader Posts: 3,686
    Bunneh wrote:
    downfader wrote:
    'take me away from here, the bike mechanic has sex with me...'


    Always nice to make someone smile :)

    Anyway, it runs like a beast! The frame feels so strong and rigid, soon as I took it for some decent miles the feel was so much better than my old Ribble. Didn't go to far due to the clouds moving in but took it around 20 miles up around Chorley and back into Bolton (council repairing the roads...oh good god! Nice work too for a change). I haven't been able to use a large ring easily on the other, it used to be a ***** to drop down to lower but now I can jump up and down with almost no effort.

    The shifters confused me at first, I was all 'how the hell do I shift back up?' until I accidently touched the brake inwards and shifted up :oops: I know now.

    Normally I regret spending such a 'large' amount of cash on anything, hell I cried when I paid £450 for my new PC, but the bike's so worth it. I am actually scared to get it dirty so I'm avoiding wet weather for now, but give it time I'll so break that duct and get its paws damp - that or use the ribble when it's eventually repaired...

    Sounds REALLY nice! Been thinking of having a custom build this year myself after I finish upgrading the Jake. Would put custome in line with your new beatie.

    I got confused with the shifting - after leaving the shop I completely forgot what the guy taught me, LOL! Feels nice to stick on a big cog and power down doesnt it! 8)
  • Well Played sir....enjoy 8)
  • dreamlx10
    dreamlx10 Posts: 235
    they're throwing in free peddles

    And a dictionary ?
  • Bunneh
    Bunneh Posts: 1,329
    lol sorry, sometimes my hands over-ride my brain...


    Now bugger off you pedantic puddin' :wink:
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Bunneh wrote:
    lol sorry, sometimes my hands over-ride my brain...


    Now bugger off you pedantic puddin' :wink:

    You should have had a comma between off and you.
    Can't call someone a pedantic puddin' and not be grammatically astute, it isn't the done thing. 8)
  • Bunneh
    Bunneh Posts: 1,329
    *loads rifle and chases Dmc!
