Full suspension frame

coxy17 Posts: 401
edited March 2010 in MTB buying advice

i had a thread about getting a new hard tail frame but got advised to keep what i had but now after the cannock demo day i really want a full suss i just seem to be able to hold so much more speed and the back end does not bound up and down after drop.

i allready have all the parts as you can see on my theard at the bottom just a new back wheel to go one over easter so thwn will save up for full suss frame but im unsure on a good frame

my buget would be about 1300 and about 150mm to about 130mm

the frames i have looked at so far are

orange 5
santa cruz heckler
mondraker foxy rr

just wanted to know your opion on these frames or any other frame



  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    You could buy a whole Gt XCR on Mongoose Teocali for that!
  • coxy17
    coxy17 Posts: 401
    yer i know i could buy a whole bike but i dont have room for another bike unfortualty and i think the spec on the hardtail is not to bad so i just want to get a frame
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    What parts do you have, and what fork and length?

    Also beware that all full sussers don't behave the same. You want to test some.
  • coxy17
    coxy17 Posts: 401
    i tested a zesty scott norco at the canncock demo day i can test a orange 5 and heckler at cannock or coed y brenin

    the spec on the hard tail is

    recon 351 air 130mm
    avid juicy 3
    hope pro 2 on dt swiss 5.1
    full slx drive train
    thompson stem
    sunline handel bars
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    Your fork may be a little short for some of those frames.

    But yeah, test them out, and get them set up properly. You will notice some have more pedal kickback than others, more bob and so on. And all will be heavier ;-)

    I would sorely be tempted buy a full build, swap the parts you like, and sell the the old bike/bits.

    http://www.paulscycles.co.uk/products.p ... 1505&rs=gb

    Better spec than you have already! Swap the wheels, and Bingo, full XT bike, 150mm of travel. Sell the old for 500 and you have paid 500 quid for it rather than 1300, and have a better bike.

    Testing one may be harder though.
  • coxy17
    coxy17 Posts: 401
    yer if spending that much money would want to try one out

    i was hopeing the recons would do until the rock shox sektors come out as there cheaper than the reverlations
  • coxy17
    coxy17 Posts: 401
    yer if spending that much money would want to try one out

    i was hopeing the recons would do until the rock shox sektors come out as there cheaper than the reverlations
  • Northwind
    Northwind Posts: 14,675
    You certainly wouldn't go far wrong with a Heckler or 5, great bikes... Though neither all that suited to Recons (some smart-arse might point out that the cheapo 5 S came with 130mm Recons til this year, and that's true, but that was a pretty horribly specced bike and even on the info for the 5S said "Minimum fork 140mm" :lol: )

    What do you really want it to do?
    Uncompromising extremist
  • joshtp
    joshtp Posts: 3,966
    supersonic wrote:
    Your fork may be a little short for some of those frames.

    But yeah, test them out, and get them set up properly. You will notice some have more pedal kickback than others, more bob and so on. And all will be heavier ;-)

    I would sorely be tempted buy a full build, swap the parts you like, and sell the the old bike/bits.

    http://www.paulscycles.co.uk/products.p ... 1505&rs=gb

    Better spec than you have already! Swap the wheels, and Bingo, full XT bike, 150mm of travel. Sell the old for 500 and you have paid 500 quid for it rather than 1300, and have a better bike.

    Testing one may be harder though.
    this, 100%
    I like bikes and stuff
  • coxy17
    coxy17 Posts: 401
    Northwind wrote:

    What do you really want it to do?

    i want an all mountian that can prity much do anything i though at it can go up hill easyish and dowhill even better
  • Pudseyp
    Pudseyp Posts: 3,514
    Well the Orange 5 gets rave reviews, what about a Turner FiveSpot or Cove Foreplay...both on sale at Merlin for a fiver shy of £1,500....or as supersonic says and I have recomended a number of times a Momgoose Tecocali Super, you get a Marzy xc600 TST fork,fox rp23, XT everything groupset, hubs and brakes, and easton finishing kit....for £999 (parts alone worth more than that) so you have £300 change for a dirty weekend with the missus..plus you can flog your bits and make even more...to me a no brainer...so much so I have just bought one ! you have a all mountain machine out if the box...take a look on Paul's Cycles
    Tomac Synper 140 Giant XTC Alliance 1
    If the world was flat, I wouldn't be riding !
  • coxy17
    coxy17 Posts: 401
    Pudseyp wrote:
    so you have £300 change for a dirty weekend with the missus..

    as im only 16 i dont have a missus so if its ok can i borrow yours for a weekend then cheers

    my buget is 1300 no more swo the heckler is my favorate atm
  • Northwind
    Northwind Posts: 14,675
    coxy17 wrote:
    i want an all mountian that can prity much do anything i though at it can go up hill easyish and dowhill even better

    Yup, you're on the right track then. Used old-model hecklers (with the square-ish swingarm but dropped top tube) go for silly money if you're patient and they're still as good as many 2010-spec frames, so if you want to save a few pennies that's always a good shout.

    Check out the Meta 5 as well, the frame cracking thing's hurt resale values so if you get one of the ones from before or after than particular frame, they're cheap. And there are about a million warranty replacement frames out there too now ;)
    Uncompromising extremist