New Crank System Concept Design

xxcc Posts: 13
edited March 2010 in Your mountain bikes
Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum. If mods think I'm posting in the wrong place, please move the thread.

I'm a design student who'd come up with a new concept for a crank system.

The deal is to use a hollow crank design with a rolling weight inside (black ball in the image). When the cyclist pushes the crank down from its upright position the weight (ball)gradually rolls down in the same direction as the pedal - this should mean the cyclist needs to put in slightly less energy than when using standard cranks (the ball should be pretty heavy but not add to much extra weight to the bike itself...).

I know the system won't make a huge difference in speed - if any - but the project brief is aimed at ordinary people not racers. We're only trying to make it _slightly_ less strenious going uphill, just so the cyclist won't need to put in quite as much energy.

Note that this concept is in a very early stage of development. I haven't specified materials etc. yet but do you guys think this is viable as a concept at all, given the project brief mentioned above? Is it worth looking into at all or should it be abandoned for something else? Comments much appreciated, positive or negative feedback likewise!