looking for a Specialized Safire Expert Carbon 2010

richlong28 Posts: 90
edited March 2010 in Women
I'm looking for a Specialized Safire Expert carbon 2010 in a Small frame for my mum however everywhere in the country I've tried doesn't seem to have one!

So i was wondering if anybody knows of a shop with one or a friend that has one they're wanting to offload or anything! They seem to be as common as rocking horse plop!!

Any help greatly received :)

oh and just to let you all know i typed it into Google shopping and rang every store that came up to no avail


  • Hiya,

    Apparently ALL the safires in the country have been sold out. i was looking to test ride one and spoke to a dude in a shop and that's what he said. Although, i could be wrong, if you find any - please let me know cause i'd love to try one out!