End of runny nose syndrome

sandbag Posts: 429
edited March 2010 in The bottom bracket
Now that Winter looks like it's ended and warmer weather is upon us.

Can i now look forward to the end of a constant runny nose, that i had over Winter?


  • acidstrato
    acidstrato Posts: 945
    if your anything like me then no

    last two summers while cycling I have to blow my nose every 5-10mins and its a real pain. I dont know if my hayfever is playing up (I suffer bad) but it does seem to only be when on the bike? I blow about 10 snot rockets for every 1 a mate does?

    I'm going to try them nose decongestant strips this year
    Crafted in Italy apparantly
  • appletrees
    appletrees Posts: 327
    I suffer from it in winter, but does seem to go away come warmer weather, so fingers crossed that you'll be the same.
  • bompington
    bompington Posts: 7,674
    Take a pregnancy test if I were you, that's one of the known causes
  • Bobbinogs
    Bobbinogs Posts: 4,841
    Take a pregnancy test if I were you, that's one of the known causes

    Blimey, if a runny nose can cause pregancy then I am going to be extra careful who I ride out with next time... :wink:
  • Porgy
    Porgy Posts: 4,525
    You can ride near me - I'd quite like one of those subsidised Housing Association flats.