Decent riding glasses?

JayKingFunk Posts: 411
edited March 2010 in MTB buying advice
Pretty much what the title says!

Just looking for a set of glasses to keep the mud and rain out of my eyes that preferably have anti-steam lenses and don't fall off your face when going over bumps at speed!

Can anyone recommend any for someone on a budget??!

Thanks in advance, J.
I love the sound my tyres make on dusty single track!


  • davbay
    davbay Posts: 60
    Look on websites like screwfix and toolstation etc for Bolle Safety glasses or CAT or even Dewalt. They're offer good UVprotection, comfortable, anti fog, impact resistant, look pretty good and CHEAP!! Because they're safety glasses they fully wrap around and keep the bugs out.

    Bolle do a model called spider flash which look good. I use a pair of CATERPILLAR glasses that have a yellow tint. It makes miserable grey days feel like a nice spring day and improves contrast and helps you see better in poor light. That's not an opinion either - my mrs works in optics and its fact. You can get clear ones too.

    Don't waste your money on Oakley and other so called cycling glasses. My Bolle safety glasses were free from my last job and have been brilliant for over 2 years. Hope this helps.
    Anyone else ride a Schwinn?...
  • hoochylala
    hoochylala Posts: 987
    Search for Bolle Contour ESP Glasses on eBay - been using them for a year now without any issues, and at £6 all in, if you fall on your face and break them all is not lost :) They have been recommended on here many many times.
  • JayKingFunk
    JayKingFunk Posts: 411
    davbay, that's brilliant!

    Thanks for your suggestions, I'll have a look!

    I also don't agree with spending loads on Oakleys and the like either, I'd be scared of breaking them!!

    I love the sound my tyres make on dusty single track!
  • CFS
    CFS Posts: 124
    +1 for the Bolle ESPs.

    They do steam up a bit, but that is mainly when it is cold.

    The way to stop it is a little spot of washing up liquid (I like lemon flavour) smeared around the lenses, let it dry a bit then gently polish off. It should leave fine layer behind which stops them steaming. Works for me anyway. You'll need to do it every now and then.
    Shot by both sides...