Preventing lorry vs. bike collisions



  • zanes
    zanes Posts: 563
    easyboy wrote:
    the only way that an incident can occur is if one party was not paying attention to the meaning of the give way or the rules of the road

    Because that never happens. Never. Ever. Especially between cars and bikes. Honest.
  • easyboy
    easyboy Posts: 33
    I also believe in fairies and that taking magic pixie dust makes you immortal lol
    2009 Stumpy Elite
    2009 Cube Ltd Race
    Its the little people in my head that told me to do it....
  • wyadvd
    wyadvd Posts: 590
    why should we have to cede right of way any way when the right of way would be ours if we were riding our bikes properly on the road.
  • wyadvd
    wyadvd Posts: 590
    i suppose this is another thread really, but the fact remains that 90 perceent of bike accidents happen at junctions and when you follow a cycle lane you have at least twice as many junctions to negotiate. And the research dug out by john franklin speaks for itself if you read it!
  • Eau Rouge
    Eau Rouge Posts: 1,118
    wyadvd wrote:
    why should we have to cede right of way any way when the right of way would be ours if we were riding our bikes properly on the road.

    Because on the road your traffic while on a cycle path your a pedestrian, in the eyes of those designing the paths at least.
  • wyadvd
    wyadvd Posts: 590
    have you taken a look at the stats re: pedestrians killed per km walked as compared to motorists nationally? enough to make you point is we shoould be traffic on balance not pedestrians on bikes which as you say is what the other road users relegate us to when we are on the cycles paths. And as i say the research(a link in an earler post of mine) which is from many countries(even holland!) and dating back to the 1930s , bears it out.
  • Do we need to educate people?? If we need to tell them to not go on the inside lorries when turning then they shouldn't be allowed to ride a bloody bike. :evil:

    We're living in a "well you never told me that could happen" society...
  • wyadvd
    wyadvd Posts: 590
    kinda like darwin in action then !?
  • wyadvd
    wyadvd Posts: 590
    If you watch the rospa video you will see how easy it might be to assume that a lorry was kindly "making room" for a bike before the lorry turned left. Unless you have driven an articulated vehicle you would not understand than you have to drive well to the right to successfully expedite a left turn in a lorry(or tractor and trailor for that matter!).....that requires just a little education and if you arent susceptable to education then darwin can sort you out!
  • easyboy
    easyboy Posts: 33
    A left turning articulated lgv requires as much room as is required to safely execute its turn this means the entire road if necessary
    First you indicate left well in advance of the turn then slow down look at the junction how narrow is the mouth of the junction how tight is the turn ,but before doing this turn the driver has checked rechecked and checked again in their mirrors also checking on-coming vehicles then the pavement then forward again,thats before going over the centre of road markings, then he/she makes the decision to manoeuvre the vehicle right over the white lines checks the pavement again then just before they turn a final look in the nearside mirrors thats the last check just to make sure nothings coming up the inside then the only thing the driver is looking at is vehicles coming at them from the new road they are turning into,
    From the moment the driver turned his/her wheel to the left they cannot see anything behind them except trailer,plus the driver is looking forward because thats where the danger is
    And a rigid vehicle is similar
    For as long as people take risks there will be consequences normally not pleasant i guess
    2009 Stumpy Elite
    2009 Cube Ltd Race
    Its the little people in my head that told me to do it....
  • emilybex
    emilybex Posts: 2
    Check out this clip from You Tube regarding the audible and visual warning sensors that some of you speak about. [/url]
  • I've seen this now quite a few times and think its a very simple but good idea.

    If you ignore this then your asking to run the risk of getting killed. In which case serves you right for being so bloody stupid
    Bianchi. There are no alternatives only compromises!
    I RIDE A KONA CADABRA -would you like to come and have a play with my magic link?
  • wyadvd wrote:
    If you watch the rospa video you will see how easy it might be to assume that a lorry was kindly "making room" for a bike before the lorry turned left. Unless you have driven an articulated vehicle you would not understand than you have to drive well to the right to successfully expedite a left turn in a lorry(or tractor and trailor for that matter!).....that requires just a little education and if you arent susceptable to education then darwin can sort you out!

    I've never driven an HGV but I understnad fully that it needs to bear right to be able to swing round to the left properly. Surely it's common sense given the size of the bloody thing

    You normally find the indicator a bit of a give away as well :wink:
    Bianchi. There are no alternatives only compromises!
    I RIDE A KONA CADABRA -would you like to come and have a play with my magic link?
  • PeteinSQ
    PeteinSQ Posts: 2,292
    Trucks don't always indicate that they are going to make a turn; so I think even if the truck has pulled into the right hand lane you can't be 100% certain that the truck isn't planning on making the turn.

    If you never want to have a run in with a truck you pretty much need to avoid being on their left at any time and in any circumstances.
  • I've seen this now quite a few times and think its a very simple but good idea.

    If you ignore this then your asking to run the risk of getting killed. In which case serves you right for being so bloody stupid
    Saw the poster on the right hand side of a van this morning in New Cross :roll:
  • emilybex
    emilybex Posts: 2
    Another useful link that shows CCTV that enables drivers to see to the rear nearside etc [url][/url]