The latest TFL cycling Ad



  • Porgy wrote:
    But sometimes I wonder how bad things would be if the LCC didn;t exist.

    They're not perfect, and its easy to criticise, but they do a lot of good work. I have a lot of time for Charlie in LCC, who was a former HGV driver himself.
  • jrduquemin
    jrduquemin Posts: 791
    Robstar24 wrote:
    to me the advert makes sense.

    1) the bike/cyclist part is so short for a number of reasons: passes on the message that often drivers don't check for them when they should, as they are paying attention to other things (eg the bank job)

    2) not paying attention to cyclists can foil even the best laid plans, like a bank job. message is therefore: check for cyclists, not doing so can have a very negative impact on your journey to work/family/tesco's etc...

    3) bike small in ad because bikes are small and not that noticeable next to cars, esp as they are silent.

    4) put bike right at the end so that it's the part that sticks in the memory.

    it's a bit like the advert for watching out for motorcyclists, the crash only came right at the end, to remind drivers they need to still have their wits about them even when it seems they've done all the checking they need and think the road is clear.

    I thought the message was 'rob a bank if you like, just watch out for cyclists while you're attempting a getaway'

    2010 Lynskey R230
    2013 Yeti SB66
  • nation
    nation Posts: 609
    Someone posted an ad a while ago which named a list of car safety parts while showing footage of a cyclist's body. I thought that was a good advert.

    This one not so much.

    Can I find the former? Nope.

    I do think it's good that there's a campaign at all though, to be fair.

    Was it the NYC "Look" ad?
  • bigmat
    bigmat Posts: 5,134
    What I don't get is how the car seems to reverse about quarter of an inch and the cyclist somehow manages to slam into the side of it. What the hell was that woman doing, having a Roastie moment?! :lol:
  • Christophe3967
    Christophe3967 Posts: 1,200
    Looks like an ad agency hoping to win an award.

    Of course in a "real life situation" the cyclist would have seen that the car driver hadn't looked at her, and slowed down accordingly. And the get away car would have been given a parking ticket.
  • fnegroni
    fnegroni Posts: 794
    MrChuck wrote:
    Clever Pun wrote:

    could have quite easily replaced the robbers with a mum in a people carrier with screaming kids, the point is still the same.

    it's an analogy.. might be too much for the general public to get (not a go at you btw)

    Well why not have a mum in a car with screaming kids and not bank robbers? At least thats real , recognisable, something we can relate to....whats missing in this ad are 'real' people - the cyclist is not really a person (despite the scream) any more than the robbers are people we can relate to. This sort of ad only works if it portrays people like us hurting other people like us (or the ones we love)

    I agree. There are some good ideas in there but the bank robbery part is a distraction from the message IMO- I think it alters the relationship the viewer has with what they're seeing, or how they feel they need to respond to it, or... something! Should've been the mum with kids or WVM in a hurry or something much more mundane.

    Agree that the shout at the end is good though, and I guess you can't argue with the intent.

    +1 to all the above.

    I like the idea of the advert, but it needs refinemenet: make YOUR screaming kids BIG!, other kids tiny, the cyclist insignifiicant
  • Mickey Eye
    Mickey Eye Posts: 590
    I like the advert. Plenty of big screaming kids in this thread though.