Theo Bos!!

Dazza2280 Posts: 156
edited March 2010 in Pro race
Is this guy as good as he's looked starting this season, or is everyone else just getting off to a slow start. When i've seen him, he does seem to have an amazing kick, or is he just Thor's lead out?


    EKIMIKE Posts: 2,232
    Coming from a track sprinting background he really should have an incredible kick. He says he's getting better with the hills so he'll probably have more of a potent sprint than in the past (on the road).

    No doubt he'd be a good lead out for Thor but I seriously doubt he'll be going to Le Tour this year. Sounds like he might be given a chance at the Vuelta though.
  • TheStone
    TheStone Posts: 2,291
    He has a very good kick, but not sure if he has the endurance to do it at the end
    of a long race (yet).

    Couple of YouTube clips:

    1) somehow he was only banned for a month for this !!

    2) and him at 140kph ... re=related
  • Murr X
    Murr X Posts: 258
    Theo Bos used to be the worlds fastest sprinter and has been world champion no less than five times. Its hard to believe that he is only 26 after becoming world sprint champion at just 20.

    I remember watching this live in 2006 and being amazed by his sheer dominance.

    200meter WR ... re=related

    I would be very interested to know where he will be in five years time.

    Murr X
  • I've been impressed by him, and last year too, it's just that he's not got any kind of road craft yet. Fair play to hi though, he's admitted this, and that's why he's moved across which I applaud, along with Lars Boom. They're the best at what they did before, now they've come to try it with the big boys.
  • jerry3571
    jerry3571 Posts: 1,532
    I think Bos was huge on the track. A bit of a Chris Hoy type.
    It's a bit like a 100m runner trying to do a Marathon. He has done really well to be anywhere near the finish to be honest. He may be a bit like Ivan Quaranta; a big chunky chap with a bit of Nitros kick but hates anything uphill.
    His sprint should be fantastic with all those Gold medals. An intersting prospect. I think he's still trying to suss it all out still; if he does...well, Mr Cavendish, we shall see!

    “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving”- Albert Einstein

    "You can't ride the Tour de France on mineral water."
    -Jacques Anquetil
  • oldwelshman
    oldwelshman Posts: 4,733
    TheStone wrote:
    He has a very good kick, but not sure if he has the endurance to do it at the end
    of a long race (yet).

    Couple of YouTube clips:

    1) somehow he was only banned for a month for this !!

    2) and him at 140kph ... re=related

    I am still not convinced about the 140kph even though he was behind a windbreak on a bike. What gears did he use to go 80mph + ? Must have had a 63 x 11 or he would get nothing into pedals at that speed.
    He is not Chris Hoy build wise so no reason why he won't do well on the road but don't think he is in Cav's classbut will win racesas long as he doesn't get stroppy and throw people off their bike.