Chesire Cat - Mow Cop

pabloweaver Posts: 444
Been up it for the first time today as a " reccy" for the Cat...

hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhah ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sigh

it's mental!

got just past the pub then reality/gravity took a snearing glance my way and said "time to stop"

Hats off to NCC Andy though for finishing the job.

ran out of gears ( I never thought i would wish for a triple), lungs and oxgen... :oops: .

this is going to cause some fun on the 28th!

nice view from't top though :D

Great club in and around the Warrington area.


  • fossyant
    fossyant Posts: 2,549
    I tried out the bit from Rushton Spencer through to Wincle and Macc today...... 800 yards of ice and slush climbing out of Rushton Spencer.....argh....

    The road before Wincle is a bit 'pot holey in places.....
  • TheStone
    TheStone Posts: 2,291
    I managed to get up it as part of last year's Cat after failing the year before.
    The only tip I have is to take it really easy till you get to the very steep bit, then no
    choice but to be flat out. At 100kg, made it up on 34-27 gearing (just!)

    Looking forward to this year's Cat. The Mow Cop is very early this year, then finishes
    with over 100k that looks flat.
  • moolarb
    moolarb Posts: 83
    I tried and failed to get up the really steep bit near the pub on Friday - my 2nd failed attempt :cry: . My lowest gear is 38x26. Slightly concerned at the prospect of tackling that climb with 2500 other riders - could be interesting with people zig zagging and stopping/walking.
  • jgsi
    jgsi Posts: 5,062
    moolarb wrote:
    I tried and failed to get up the really steep bit near the pub on Friday - my 2nd failed attempt :cry: . My lowest gear is 38x26. Slightly concerned at the prospect of tackling that climb with 2500 other riders - could be interesting with people zig zagging and stopping/walking.

    It is courtesy to remember those who follow and are still riding.

    I'll be running up the soddin thing next month as well.