Is it me or are some people soft?

JonS123 Posts: 171
edited March 2010 in Commuting chat
Last couple of days ive been cycling in just shorts and a top, no leggins or jacket (well tell a lie I did wear a hi-viz vest over my top when it was a bit gray outside) yet I see other cyclists with leggins, jackets zipped up to the top and scarf's wrapped around their neck etc

WHY??? its not as if its sub-zero anymore!


  • Kiblams
    Kiblams Posts: 2,423
    People react to temperatures in completely different ways...

    I am in the 'T-shirt and shorts for the snow' camp myself
  • Tonymufc
    Tonymufc Posts: 1,016
    I know what you mean. Riding home from work yesterday the temp was a tropical 1 degree C. :?
  • jimmypippa
    jimmypippa Posts: 1,712
    JonS123 wrote:
    Last couple of days ive been cycling in just shorts and a top, no leggins or jacket (well tell a lie I did wear a hi-viz vest over my top when it was a bit gray outside) yet I see other cyclists with leggins, jackets zipped up to the top and scarf's wrapped around their neck etc

    WHY??? its not as if its sub-zero anymore!

    It is where I live in the morning.
  • rolf_f
    rolf_f Posts: 16,015
    JonS123 wrote:
    Last couple of days ive been cycling in just shorts and a top, no leggins or jacket (well tell a lie I did wear a hi-viz vest over my top when it was a bit gray outside) yet I see other cyclists with leggins, jackets zipped up to the top and scarf's wrapped around their neck etc

    WHY??? its not as if its sub-zero anymore!

    Try existing on 6.5 percent bodyfat and then tell me I'm soft wearing leggings etc! And I think you'll find that frost on cars is a good hint that it is sub zero! You should have noticed - you're in the same city as me :lol:
    Faster than a tent.......
  • CiB
    CiB Posts: 6,098
    You calling me soft sunshine? I've been leaving around 7am in sub-zero temps this week, and getting home after sunset when the temp drops like a stone, doing 21 miles each way. Soft? Naff orf sonny.

    And - :wink:
  • Downwardi
    Downwardi Posts: 132
    -6 here this morning. One of the coldest commutes of the year for me.
    FCN 8 Hybrid
    FCN 4 Roadie
  • I need my clothes regardless. I can freeze in the middle of summer. The temp difference between inside (12c) and outside (-1c) is more than enough to shut down my circulation.
    I'd like to keep my fingers and toes til I die.

    If you are going out for a fast ride and are going to get hot and sweaty then you may need fewer clothes than someone who is just going to bimble along. If I was to take every journey I made flat out I would not get through the week.

    I do not like pain and I am not going to volunteer for it if I don't have to. If I cycle without enough clothes I will be in a great deal of pain. Can't help my body being the way it is. It does not do cold.
  • ride_whenever
    ride_whenever Posts: 13,279
    Some people are soft, some are hard....

    That is the way of the world.

    However, leaving your knees uncovered is a recipe for injury, 3/4 whenever it is below 18 deg C for me.
  • beverick
    beverick Posts: 3,461
    It's all to do with your thermo-regulatory system apparently - or so I was told by a GP I used to play cricket with. We were fielding in the deep one April day. He had his anorak on over his whites while I just sporter a short sleeved jumper.

    A colleague of mine comes in wearing bib-tights, leggings, shorts over them, on the top he has at least three under layers (as well as the bib), arm warmers, a gillet and goretex jacket.

    I turn up in baggy shorts, short sleeved cycling shirt and windstopper - invariably half undone. My only concession to this year's continual frosty mornings are two pair of gloves.

  • cjcp
    cjcp Posts: 13,345
    :shock: I'm still dressed up to the nines. And I've got vaseline on my cheeks and chin to stop them chapping. Overshoes, buff, warm hat over the ears, gloves (with baselayer gloves), fleece-lined tights, baselayer, Gore Phantom jacket. The whole shamoncka.
    FCN 2-4.

    "What happens when the hammer goes down, kids?"
    "It stays down, Daddy."
  • JonS123
    JonS123 Posts: 171
    Rolf F wrote:
    You should have noticed - you're in the same city as me :lol:

    Left at 8 ish this morning and though initially it was a bit nippy, after 5 mins I was fine

    I must admit I am a bit of a hairy monster...

    And I am always feeling hotter than colder (the GF gets mad when I turn the thermostat down all the time) - maybe there is more to this how our bodys can take the hot/cold theory than I first thought
  • NGale
    NGale Posts: 1,866
    cjcp wrote:
    :shock: I'm still dressed up to the nines. And I've got vaseline on my cheeks and chin to stop them chapping. Overshoes, buff, warm hat over the ears, gloves (with baselayer gloves), fleece-lined tights, baselayer, Gore Phantom jacket. The whole shamoncka.

    awwww you delicate little flower you :wink:
    Officers don't run, it's undignified and panics the men
  • freehub
    freehub Posts: 4,257
    I'm currently in my full winter kit still, 4 top layers, 3 bottom layers. Does not mean I'm being soft, if I worn less I'd find myself finding it difficult to ride, getting illness, fcuking my knees up possibly and god knows what else. Better to be too warm than too cold tbh.

    I might try get hold of some Vaseline and put it on my face see if it really does help keep it warm.
  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    I wear knee warmers and arm warmers for all but the hottest days.

    It's because I ride so fast.
    freehub wrote:
    I might try get hold of some Vaseline and put it on my face see if it really does help keep it warm.

    Do it, you couldn't look any sillier.
    I like bikes...

  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Ffs - if you're in shorts and short sleeves now - what will you do in the summer ? Ride naked ? Round here its still winter wear - I'd rather be too warm than too cold !
  • cjcp
    cjcp Posts: 13,345
    NGale wrote:
    cjcp wrote:
    :shock: I'm still dressed up to the nines. And I've got vaseline on my cheeks and chin to stop them chapping. Overshoes, buff, warm hat over the ears, gloves (with baselayer gloves), fleece-lined tights, baselayer, Gore Phantom jacket. The whole shamoncka.

    awwww you delicate little flower you :wink:

    Exactly. :) As Cougie says, I'd rather be too warm than too cold.
    FCN 2-4.

    "What happens when the hammer goes down, kids?"
    "It stays down, Daddy."
  • cyberknight
    cyberknight Posts: 1,238
    And you can always take a layer off if you are to warm rather than being to cold and wishing you had tookmore .

    I am in the "nesh " camp as well as i have always had cold hands and feet.

    In the morning i leave at 6 am so we still have a good frost so i still have a base layer,short sleeve shirt and my windproof with shorts and unpadded leggings.+overshoes.

    Coming home i take the windproof off, maybe a little to warm but i would be to cold with the windchill on the sections that are open fields.

    Give it a few weeks and maybe i will drop the leggings then base layer , i could really do with some arm warmers rather than the base layer most of the time.As i read once."If it is cold enough for sleeves its cold enough for your knees "
    FCN 3/5/9
  • freehub
    freehub Posts: 4,257
    I took my arm warmers off today, and when I go to my trainers house he bollocked me for not having em on, he says that even on warm days 20 degrees maybe higher leg warmers and arm warmers should be worn, he believe that not having arm warmers on can actually loose minutes, so basically slow you down, to do with the blood that is getting cooled quickly.
  • Stan Leigh
    Stan Leigh Posts: 168
    To be fair , we were on a night ride thursday . Stopping for a quick pint , i left my sweaty muddy t-shirt & gloves on a bench out side . Half an hour later they were frozen solid ! Didn't notice the cold while we were riding - big mistake stopping & cooling down . Stan L
  • I wish I cycled slow enough for wind chill not to be a problem. :roll:

    My body doesn't even compensate by heating up, I'm rolling along so fast and not even a sweat. Leggings please. :)
    The British Empire never died, it just moved to the Velodrome
  • ive stopped wearing full winter gear now there really isnt a need for it now. only a slight breeze down my end. RT Tester
    north west of england.
  • It's just you? Some of us have tropical blood with hands and feet grown in sunshine.javascript:emoticon(:>|))
    I'd like some more gears please