Eroica - Spoilers etc



  • afx237vi
    afx237vi Posts: 12,630
    Why does anything have to have happened to him? It's not really his type of race, short punchy climbs, dodgy roads and a zero percent chance of a bunch finish.

    He lives in that area, doesn't he? I suspect he just entered for the training miles and pulled out when the racing kicked off. McEwen did the same. Frenchfighter will be outraged.
  • Tusher
    Tusher Posts: 2,762
    It was just that I couldn't find his name on the finish list, so I was wondering whether he started or not. Or started but was abducted by space aliens during the race.

    Although I guess we would have heard about that.
  • afx237vi
    afx237vi Posts: 12,630
    Well Gazzetta only lists the finishers and not the DNFs, so I dunno. There were 48 DNFs though, so he's probably among them.
  • Tusher
    Tusher Posts: 2,762
    Yup, you're right, that's what'll have happened to him.
  • Hi there.

    Just watched Iglinsky go round that last, cobbled corner - balls of steel!

    Cheers, Andy
  • After having seen photos and reports of the last few editions this is the first year I watched Eroica (courtesy of cyclingfans) and I can see why people rave about it.

    I reckon it's easily as good as any of the classics. That last bit of strade bianche with Iglinsky skating around and that final climb into the centre of siena were great.

    The paved final section must have been like marble because the riders were extremely concious of their weight and balance just like cross riders. Even so I was still a bit surprised Löfkvist didn't appear to contest the final 100metres into Piazza del Campo he seem close enough to me.
  • pedro118118
    pedro118118 Posts: 1,102
    Another good showing/result from Astana, following the Tour of Algarve.
    By contrast, Shack have done nothing/little by way of results so far.
  • Hi there.

    Just watched Iglinsky go round that last, cobbled corner - balls of steel!

    Cheers, Andy

    That is crazy, but I guess that's what wins you bike races...