PTP - Paris-Nice



  • NervexProf
    NervexProf Posts: 4,202
    Final stage - Valverde please
    Common sense in an uncommon degree is what the world calls wisdom
  • final stage: valverde
  • NervexProf
    NervexProf Posts: 4,202
    Final stage - Valverde please
    Common sense in an uncommon degree is what the world calls wisdom
  • liamg
    liamg Posts: 193
    Could I change my pick for Stage 7 to Sammy Sanchez please?
  • Last stage - Valverde please
  • kitten2010
    kitten2010 Posts: 211
    Stage 6: SANCHEZ, Sammy
  • The Prodigy
    The Prodigy Posts: 832
    Stage 6: SANCHEZ, Sammy
  • andyp
    andyp Posts: 10,477
    Stage 7: Valverde again please
  • camerone
    camerone Posts: 1,232
    Stage Sunday valverde please
  • stjohnswell
    stjohnswell Posts: 482
    Valverde please.
  • greeny12
    greeny12 Posts: 759
    Final stage - Sagan please
    My cycle racing blog:

    If you live in or near Sussex, check this out:
  • deejay
    deejay Posts: 3,138
    Stage 7 valverde please.
    He must be getting desperate as he has nowt so far.
    LL won't be given much rope tomorrow to stay away for a win again.
    The team need something to take home.
    Organiser, National Championship 50 mile Time Trial 1972
  • DavMartinR
    DavMartinR Posts: 897
    Stage 7 - KREUZIGER Roman

  • Cumulonimbus
    Cumulonimbus Posts: 1,730
    Stage 7: Valverde
  • graham56
    graham56 Posts: 634
    St 6; Valverde


    It`s a state of mind.
  • Arkibal
    Arkibal Posts: 850
    Stage 7: Samuel Sanchez

  • stage 7 - Peter Sagan
    Music and Bikes and Alligators
  • paul27
    paul27 Posts: 515
    Stage Sunday: Peter Sagen
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    Stage 7 : LL Sanchez
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • NicFrance
    NicFrance Posts: 256
    Stage 7: Luis-Leon Sanchez
  • alanmcn1
    alanmcn1 Posts: 531
    Stage 7: Valv (aggh, sticking in my throat)
    Robert Millar for knighthood
  • percival
    percival Posts: 137
    Stage 7: Valverde

  • Art Vandelay
    Art Vandelay Posts: 1,982
    Final Stage: Valv.
  • simon johnson
    simon johnson Posts: 1,064
    Stage 7- Sunday: Sammy Sanchez
    Where\'s me jumper?
  • finchy
    finchy Posts: 6,686
    Oops, nearly forgot to curse somebody for the final stage there.

    I'll go for Valv.piti, please
  • stagehopper
    stagehopper Posts: 1,593
    Stage 7: Sagan
  • afx237vi
    afx237vi Posts: 12,630
    Gosh, that was a spiffing performance from percival - jolly good show!

    Final scores from Paris-Nice:
    Name               Total
    1     percival              74
    2     FJS                   73
    3     stjohnswell           69
    4     andyp                 68
    5     iainf72               68
    6     Kléber                68
    7     mididoctors           68
    8     tforonda              68
    9     Timoid.               68
    10    Art Vandelay          65
    11    camerone              65
    12    Cumulonimbus          65
    13    HenryS                65
    14    jp1985                65
    15    NervexProf            65
    16    8can                  64
    17    liamg                 64
    18    NicFrance             64
    19    Slapshot              64
    20    Snorebens             64
    21    The Prodigy           64
    22    gattocattivo          63
    23    thomasmc              63
    24    scwxx77               62
    25    archieboy             61
    26    inkyfingers           61
    27    pau27                 61
    28    Pokerface             61
    29    Sonny73               61
    30    stagehopper           61
    31    stefrees              61
    32    stfc1                 61
    33    BikeMissle            60
    34    graham56              60
    35    Greggyr               60
    36    Neil McC              60
    37    richard w/a baum      60
    38    TheStone              60
    39    Abdoujaparov          59
    40    Allez Mark            59
    41    bring_back_jan        59
    42    Bronzie               59
    43    csp                   59
    44    DaveyL                59
    45    Rick Chasey           59
    46    oscarbudgie           58
    47    Arkibal               57
    48    Dazza2280             57
    49    Cheshire_Cat          56
    50    dougzz                56
    51    greeny12              56
    52    guinea                56
    53    jimycooper            56
    54    millar time           56
    55    Richard2205           56
    56    ShockedSoShocked      56
    57    Woosha                56
    58    brucey72              55
    59    GroupOfOne            55
    60    pb21                  55
    61    SecretSquirrel        55
    62    Ironman595            54
    63    JayD77                54
    64    Noodley               54
    65    johnfinch             53
    66    josame                53
    67    miffed                53
    68    Moomaloid             53
    69    Cal_Stewart           51
    70    deal                  50
    71    FransJacques          50
    72    French Fries          50
    73    gabriel959            50
    74    guv001                50
    75    hommelbier            50
    76    Jokull                50
    77    ruskwilks             50
    78    redddragon            49
    79    afx237vi              46
    80    Ash_                  46
    81    RichN95               46
    82    calvjones             45
    83    Oz Chief              45
    84    Rhods                 40
    85    slimreaper            40
    86    jimmerslimmer         34
    87    stanislav             34
    88    DavMartinR            30
    89    eh                    30
    90    Ms Tree               30
    91    alanmcn1              14
    92    TakeTheHighRoad       14
    93    deejay                13
    94    kitten2010            10
    95    LangerDan             10
    96    Ridgerider            6
    97    simon johnson         6
    98    seven7faces           5
    99    dodsi                 4
    100   haggisinlondon        4
    101   Pross                 2
    102   Garrigou              0
    103   Tusher                0
 ... 2VcgOHHSHw

    Also, check out the top 10... andyp, FJS and Kléber all up there. Ominous.
  • percival
    percival Posts: 137
    afx237vi wrote:
    Gosh, that was a spiffing performance from percival - jolly good show!

    Thanks awfully, old chap. One's a tiny bit worried about what happened to Pierre's striking strawberry-blonde friend, though. He seemed like a decent cove.
  • LangerDan
    LangerDan Posts: 6,132
    Afx - you appear to have omitted my 50 points for Alberto for GC (see p.3 for my GC pick)

    'This week I 'ave been mostly been climbing like Basso - Shirley Basso.'
  • afx237vi
    afx237vi Posts: 12,630
    Oops, fixed on the spreadsheet.