Here we go again...



  • afx237vi wrote:
    Sure, it's the journalists who write the pieces knowing that a story about the next English-speaking GT hope will sell more copies than something about a Spaniard or a German or whatever. That's their job


    There has to come a point where you admit defeat and focus on other areas.

    Point is that don't sell half as many copies. That's why you hear about the "next big French hope" in the French press.

    It would be better for him to concentrate on the smaller races though, he can create a niche for himself. I bet if you added up their abilities in a Pro Cycling Manager stylee, him and Jens Voigt would probably have a similar average, but Jens doesn't bother talking about winning GTs
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    ..... the chances of him exercising those demons at 32 are pretty slim I would think.

    I like to think that we all have our demons and why not be able to get rid of them at 32?
    I'm thinking age doesn't have much to do with it and I'm hoping to get rid of a couple even at twice Tom's age. Well, almost twice. :oops: :oops:
  • Jez mon
    Jez mon Posts: 3,809
    the one thing people should perhaps be wary of before totally writing him off, is JV's ability to get riders with GT potential, to use that potential (see Wiggo and Vande Velde) OK, Danielson definitely doesn't have time on his side, BUT he is a natural talent, and come the GTs, I wouldn't be surprised if he put in a good ride somewhere along the line.
    You live and learn. At any rate, you live
  • pedro118118
    pedro118118 Posts: 1,102
    dennisn wrote:
    ..... the chances of him exercising those demons at 32 are pretty slim I would think.

    I like to think that we all have our demons and why not be able to get rid of them at 32?
    I'm thinking age doesn't have much to do with it and I'm hoping to get rid of a couple even at twice Tom's age. Well, almost twice. :oops: :oops:

    Yep fair point.
    That said, the sharp end of the pro peleton is a pretty unforgiving place.
    Perhaps he was overhyped to begin with and his level isn't winning a GC, but being a mountain super-domestique, stage winner or one-week specialist.
    Nothing wrong with that. At all.
  • deejay
    deejay Posts: 3,138
    dennisn wrote:
    afx237vi wrote:

    This. If he wasn't an American, no-one would have even heard of the guy.

    It's like the way he says he was 9th at the Tour of California and 5th in Missouri last year. As if that is supposed to impress us and make us think well, gee, maybe with results like that he can win a GT after all.
    Not sure who you are complaining about. TD or the journalist's?? Not sure it's TD's fault if the press writes puff pieces about him. After all we're talking about the media here and it seems to me to be pretty well known that they will write about anything that might sell copy. They have to make a buck too.

    Hey Ho, Such a massive market in the US on AC.
    I heard all this BS before in 1992/3 and a certain Texan is now the biggest money bags celebrity in the sport.
    The problem then was the guy rode through the rain and won a WC and the Journo's have milked their millions ever since.
    The problem now is that so many Gullible people believe all the rubbish they print.
    Organiser, National Championship 50 mile Time Trial 1972