Road bar width - whats the rule of thumb

geordiefella Posts: 302
edited March 2010 in Road beginners
there's some nice fsa bars on sale at CRC. 40 / 42 or 44. building a bike. how do i know which width to choose. measure my shoulders maybe. is there a rule of thumb?

Cheers, Dave
Cannondale BadBoy Rohloff
Cannondale SuperSix / 11sp Chorus
Ridley Excalibur / 10sp Centaur
Steel Marin Bear Valley SE
Twitter @roadbikedave


  • skyd0g
    skyd0g Posts: 2,540
    Measure the distance between the two 'notches' on your shoulder - this is your bar width. (approx*)

    *a certain variation due to personal preference, also some bar manufacturers measure centre-to-centre, some total width and of course some bars flare-out slightly rather than run parallel. :wink:
    Cycling weakly
  • well, thats 48cm from the edge of the shoulder girdle notches.
    Cannondale BadBoy Rohloff
    Cannondale SuperSix / 11sp Chorus
    Ridley Excalibur / 10sp Centaur
    Steel Marin Bear Valley SE
    Twitter @roadbikedave
  • one way Ive seen people measure them is to "wear" the bars around your shoulders, and choose the ones that squeeze you the least, but grip around your shoulders.