Unsolicited text message

I have just received a text offering 20% off Bike Radar Live in July. I don't remember agreeing to receive unsolicited texts and I don't want them. How do I switch this facility off?


  • jairaj
    jairaj Posts: 3,009
    I think you usually have text back with "STOP" but not sure if this is always the case?
  • teulk
    teulk Posts: 557
    The txt message is from MBUK not bike radar. The txt reads

    From MBUK
    Free Msg> Save 20%! BikeRadar Live 10-11 July. World's best pro-riders,dual slalom, dirt jump & stund displays + free camping ! Call 0871 230 1085 quote SM08

    I take that to be from Mountain Bike Uk to which im a subscriber to. I dont remember agreeing to receive txt messages from them tho !

    You shouldnt have to txt anything back as if you do you WILL be charged for that txt you send, it could cost you a good few quid too !
    Boardman Team 09 HT
    Orbea Aqua TTG CT 2010
    Specialized Secteur Elite 2011
  • Can anyone help or advise on how to remove my mobile number from where-ever, or who-ever, has access to it so I don't receive any more of these ****ing texts? Any help gratefully received.

  • teulk
    teulk Posts: 557
    You could always txt "stop" but you may be charged. You could go to the website and see if there is a way of removing your number.
    Boardman Team 09 HT
    Orbea Aqua TTG CT 2010
    Specialized Secteur Elite 2011
  • teulk wrote:
    You could go to the website and see if there is a way of removing your number.

    I can't even find their website. Which is why I'm on here asking for help.
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    I am sure on Monday the admin who deal with this stuff will be back.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    First i've heard of this - i'll send the link to this thread to the marketing team.
  • Received the same msg, mine said it came from O2.
    2015 Cannondale Trigger Carbon 2
    2014 Canyon Ultimate Al
    2008 Kona Stinky
    2000 Specialized P3
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    This text message went out to readers of MBUK who have subscribed or entered a competition via text message and agreed to the t&cs by doing so.

    If they don’t want to receive any future messages from us/MBUK they need to reply ‘Stop’ to the message. They pay the cost of a standard text message.