6 speed sti....?!

simonaspinall Posts: 645
edited February 2010 in Workshop
Hi there

I've got a retro raleigh pursuit in beutiful condition which is running a 6 speed cassette on a modern budget rear wheel (about £30ish)

I've just bicked up some downtube sti cable stops to convert it from down-tube to sti - retro looks with modern technology.

There are no 6 speed sti road shifters available so I need to know what cassette will fit on the hub?

The lowest number of index an sti shifter will begin at is 8 so can an 8 speed cassette fit on the same space as a 6?

Will the existing derailleur work with 8 speed?

What wheels...? Wheelsmith.co.uk!


  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    Would need to know whether the rear wheel is running a Superglide or Uniglide freehub - if the former, then probably best to upgrade to a new one. Your best bet is to try and fit a drivetrain compatible with your shifters rather than trying to mix and match new and old.
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • I've got a retro raleigh pursuit in beutiful condition which is running a 6 speed cassette on a modern budget rear wheel (about £30ish)
    It sounds like it's a threaded hub with a freewheel.

    If it is a threaded hub, you can fit a 7 speed freewheel on it. Shimano sell a cheap 14-28 HyperGlide freewheel often available on ebay for around gbp8.

    The 7 speed freewheel is about 2mm wider than the 6 speed freewheel, so you might have to swap spacers/washers around on each side of the hub and redish the wheel so that the rim is still in the centre of the hub.
  • John C.
    John C. Posts: 2,113
    A new cheap rear wheel will probably be 8,9 and 10 speed compatable. So decide what you want to run then purchase. As far as STI units are concerned 8 speed Shimano units will run 7 or 8 speed Shimano. Campag 10 will shift Shimano 7and 8 as the cable shift is the same as Shimanos and if you hububb the cable it'll shift 9 speed as well. The front campag shifter will also shift double or tripple set ups.

    Fail to prepare, prepare to fail
    Hills are just a matter of pace
  • Wappygixer
    Wappygixer Posts: 1,396
    If you want to run 7 speed on a budget try these http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/Models.aspx?ModelID=45708
  • Wow they do look pretty good value.

    It's a 6 speed threaded cassette on the budget wheel so will probably get those shifters.

    Would a 7 speed threaded cassette fit?
    What wheels...? Wheelsmith.co.uk!
  • Ah...all sorted now. Thanks for the advice people!
    What wheels...? Wheelsmith.co.uk!