Lapierre Zesty 314 2008, Bristol.

haydzmtb Posts: 84
edited February 2010 in MTB stolen
My bike was stolen yesterday buy some expletives. From my house in Bristol.
Noticeable features and kit.
Lapierre Zesty 314 2008. Medium. Silver frame. With black and white Psyclewerx stickers on the top tube and the seatstay. Also had Haydz written on the top tube but I imagine the scum have taken that off.
White fox 36 talas r forks with a red and blue band on each leg.
Hope hoops.
Thompson layback seatpost and x4 elite stem.
White sunline grips.
White Blackspire chainguard.
White and black sdg saddle.
Gold salsa seatclamp.
Kenda nevegal tyres.
Ns bikes pedals.

My whole lifestyle gone in one day.

If anyone see's it about please get in touch.

cheers all.


  • Zaffer
    Zaffer Posts: 55
    what area in Bristol was this taken from?? cant see your pics either..
  • It was stolen from Westbury on trym yesterday at about 17:00.

    Can't get my image url to work on here. ... B6023390||

    Went around Southmead this morning and spotted a youth on my bike. Immediately rang the police with my location and no one was sent. No available units. Thought of dashing out of the car to run after it but knowing how rough it is around there I didn't want to run the risk of being stabbed or worse. Police are too scared to touch them I'm guessing. God knows where it is now. What the hell happens next. Why wont they do anything? Isn't that what we pay them for. Serve and protect and bring people like this to justice!!!!
  • GetAttachment.aspx?tnail=0&messageId=ccf2cc2c-1ce8-11df-b53e-001e0bcb7098&Aux=54|0|8CC7F0CB6023390||

    why wont this work??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • 84e4509859hecnzq2frj_Stolen-Zesty.jpg
  • Zaffer
    Zaffer Posts: 55
    ahh mate.. that is sweet as well.. i feel angry for you that some little pikey has that so undeservedly.

    it's too easy to get intimidated by these southmead chavs.. need to start taking it back by force if the fuzz arent interested.. cycling city but nothing is being done about the theft..

    it's always southmead as well..
  • bristolpete
    bristolpete Posts: 2,255
    Hi there,

    Odd one here as I saw a Grey/Silver Zesty being ridden in Bedminster yesterday (Fri 19th Feb) when I was out on my road bike. I noted it as I have a Lapierre bike myself.

    Sadly I cant say where he went, but odd given that is the only Lapierre I have seen in Bristol and its appearance the day after yours was nicked.

  • Did you notice White fox forks on it at all?
  • bristolpete
    bristolpete Posts: 2,255
    haydzmtb wrote:
    Did you notice White fox forks on it at all?

    Got to be honest, no. But I did a double take such was my shock to see this bike on the road....being ridden by someone not looking like a bike rider or MTB'er.....

    Hope it leads to something.
  • tlw1
    tlw1 Posts: 22,286
    sh1t luck :cry:
  • Bristolpete. Just out of curiosity. Where abouts in Bedminster did you see this Zesty? Cheers
  • MeddlE
    MeddlE Posts: 322
    Good luck getting your stuff back mate.

    The police appear to be worse than useless on these things, some of my stuff was stolen last weekend and two days later I saw a chav bastard riding a bike with my back wheel on it. Phoned the police and they did nothing. CID haven't even been round my house to ask what was taken or see the crime scene. I will start phoning them every day from Monday.

    Next time you see it I would suggest taking it back, if it is safe to do so.
  • Indeed MeddIE. I shall if I do and I can. Good luck getting your stuff back to. I'm doing the rounds tommorow. Picures and description to all the bike shops and police staions in the city. Another of my much needed days of wasted trying to get my shit back.
  • andyrm
    andyrm Posts: 550
    Good luck mate - I actually reported a BLATANTLY stolen FSR to the supposed cycle theft specialist officer, telling him exactly where and when he could find it each day and a description of the pikey riding it. Surprise surprise nothing was ever done and I still see him every day.

    I reckon it's time everyone who rides in Bristol practices their clothesline technique........

    And for what it's worth, if you want to round up a few Bristol MTBers to go and "recover" your bike, let me know. :D
  • bristolpete
    bristolpete Posts: 2,255
    haydzmtb wrote:
    Bristolpete. Just out of curiosity. Where abouts in Bedminster did you see this Zesty? Cheers

    Passing Tesco Express, North St. Bristol....just down from the Hen and Chicken.
  • redvee
    redvee Posts: 11,922
    Bet if you knocked the scroat off your bike the police would come running sharpish.
    I've added a signature to prove it is still possible.
  • andyrm
    andyrm Posts: 550
    haydzmtb wrote:
    Bristolpete. Just out of curiosity. Where abouts in Bedminster did you see this Zesty? Cheers

    Passing Tesco Express, North St. Bristol....just down from the Hen and Chicken.

    Will keep an eye out - that's right by my office.
  • Checked around hat area of bedminster yesterday as I had a feeling you might mean round there. But nothing. Any help or observations are greatfully recidved. Thanks guys