Pushloc without the lever/cable?

Johnny Napalm
Johnny Napalm Posts: 1,458
edited February 2010 in MTB workshop & tech
I have pushloc forks and I don't think I particularly want another lever on the bars at present. I will eventually get around to removing the pushloc mechanism, with the view to just having the locking knob on the forks.

However, if I run them now without the lever attached, I assume that it will be fine and just mean that I will forego the lockout option for now?
SS Inbred
Mongoose Teocali Super


  • Yes, they will work without the lever. IRRC, the release position of the lever is unlocked which is OK. Don't do any drops with the forks locked.
  • njee20
    njee20 Posts: 9,613
    Yep, without the Poploc attached you won't be able to lock your fork out, not sure about the drops comment!

    To use the crown mounted lever you have to remove the spring from the MoCo damper, it's a 5 minute job.
  • as above. the default position is unlocked, so you can ride your bike without the lever. Although you wont be able to lock out your forks.

    TF Tuned can convert them for you. They did it for my pikes, but I cant remember what they charged TBH
  • nicklouse
    nicklouse Posts: 50,673
    you will either have to cut the spring in the compression stack and then fit a friction knob or change the stack as a whole unit. if you dont you will always have no compression setting. unless you mod a way to hold it in one place.
    "Do not follow where the path may lead, Go instead where there is no path, and Leave a Trail."
    Parktools :?:SheldonBrown
  • Modding it to add a little compresison damping is easy, simply put a gear cable through the stop on the crown and do it up with the required amount of compression damping.

    Neat tidy and just about variable as and when you need to.

    You could even put a barrel adjuster into the stop first to give you a bit of fine-tuning.
  • Thanks, guys!
    you will either have to cut the spring in the compression stack and then fit a friction knob or change the stack as a whole unit. if you dont you will always have no compression setting. unless you mod a way to hold it in one place.

    Sorry for being dumb but...

    ...I understand that I will have to fit a knob on the crown, should I disable the spring, but does your comment, Nick, relate to the scenario after I've removed the mechanism, or if I run as is but without the lever attached? I thought that if I didn't connect the lever, then all I would lose is the lockout option?
    SS Inbred
    Mongoose Teocali Super
  • nicklouse
    nicklouse Posts: 50,673
    the lever has nothing to do with anything other than as a means to move the sprung dial.

    on the version without the lever they use an unsprung stack and a friction adjuster. to activate the floodgate
    1. release poploc cable
    2. undo little gate cap and remove
    3. remove circlip ( get the proper tool makes it dead easy)
    4. remoce blue poploc cap
    5. remove rubber o rings
    6. remove top of fork use correct size socket
    7. put down some sheet if inside, cover brakes
    8. pull out spring
    9. watch out for oil let it drain back into fork
    10. inside the spring there is a plastic thing with holes in it
    11. half way down there is a little spring than all ways puts the spring a plastic thing with holes to same place if you remove it you can rotate the plastic thing / spring to any position.
    12. remove the little spring. poploc dis engaged.
    "Do not follow where the path may lead, Go instead where there is no path, and Leave a Trail."
    Parktools :?:SheldonBrown