City of London - bike parking speedy survey

EC2boy Posts: 37
edited February 2010 in Commuting chat

I hope this is alright to post here:

Cyclists in the City is an informal group of people who cycle in and through the City of London. We live or work here or simply cycle through on our way to other places. At the moment, there are a few hundred of us and growing.

We are trying to provide some pressure on the City planning people to increase the amount of cycle parking spaces around the City of London. The City has realised it needs to do something about cycle parking (and this, by the way is just one of the issues we think the City needs to sort out) and we're trying to show them where cyclists think more cycle parking is needed before they put all the money into some stupid prestige project that doesn't help many people.

We'd really value your feedback on where you think the City needs more cycling facilities.

Please help us by filling out this speedy multiple choice survey we've set up here:

Find out more about us via our email group:

We'll be getting a proper website soon. Please bear with us until we do.