Build fever!

Johnny Napalm
Johnny Napalm Posts: 1,458
edited February 2010 in MTB general
Just completed my first build, and even though I haven't ridden it yet...I've already got the urge to build another!

However, I did promise myself that I would try not to spend anymore money on bikes/related stuff this year! :shock:
SS Inbred
Mongoose Teocali Super


  • It's completely addictive. It's got to the point where if I see a good value component I'm tempted to buy it, purely because it could be saved for a later build! I have about 10 plans in my head at the moment, now if only I actually had some cash.......
  • Danlube
    Danlube Posts: 454
    A true cyclist is always dreaming up the next have the bug :wink:
    Kona Tanuki Deluxe
  • ravey1981
    ravey1981 Posts: 1,111
    I also suffer from this problem.

    When I finish a build I always start looking for the next project. When I finished my on-one I decided I would give my road bike a bit of a clean up/upgrade some parts etc...I even thought of a respray....

    But...then when I started buying parts I decided they were too good to go on the old bike so I bought a new carbon frame. The frame was way too good to put the old wheels on so I needed some new wheels....etc etc etc

    A few months on I now have an almost completed, completely brand spanking new bike. And the old one?...Still in the garage. Oops. Problem this new bike is nearing completion my thoughts are drifting back onto that repsray...

    Is there therapy available for this? I reckon heroin addicts spend less cash on the're habit than I do on mine... :oops:
  • Noclue
    Noclue Posts: 503
    I will be pointing my wife towards this thread as she seems to think that i am in someway unique and in need of help :roll: :twisted:
  • I really fancy the idea of my own project, I know it's a lot more expensive etc etc but I still really want to do it. I think it would be a challenge for me and like the idea of picking all the components myself!

    Sorry to hijack the thread, but the only trouble is, I'm not sure exactly where to start, I have searched the internet for ideas about the potential pitfalls and tips, but can't find anything. Does anyone here know of any guides to building your own bike, or even advice from your own experiences?
  • Hi, Mick.

    This is the first time I've attempted it and it was really rewarding...unless the bloody thing falls apart on my first ride! :wink:

    As it's only my first time at this, I don't have that much experience, but one thing I would recommend is to take it steady and ensure that you don't rush things. I would imagine it's really easy to put everything together very quickly in the excitement, but I ensured I was patient and that I didn't rush things. I don't have much patience so this in itself was a challenge. :wink:

    I asked a lot of questions on here (thanks to all), and I also trawled the internet for tips etc., which was a great help.
    SS Inbred
    Mongoose Teocali Super
  • Johnny,

    Thanks for the reply, I assume the Inbred in your sig is the bike you have just finished? Did you go for singlespeed to make the build easy or was it because you wanted a singlespeed?

    Also, did you everything yourself, or did you have your LBS do the more technical work? I was thinking I would get my LBS to do the BB and the headset.
  • Yeah, the Inbred in my sig is the new build. I went for SS because that is what I wanted, but I also have the shifters, front and rear mechs to fit when I want to run it as geared.

    The only things that I got the LBS to do was to face the bb shell and headtube, everything else I did myself.
    SS Inbred
    Mongoose Teocali Super
  • Cheers for that, I think I am just going to have to take the plunge and go for it!
  • I will be pointing my wife towards this thread as she seems to think that i am in someway unique and in need of help

    I've already mentioned my desire to build another bike to the wife, and her answer was to 'go for it'. She's a good 'un, is our lass!
    Cheers for that, I think I am just going to have to take the plunge and go for it!

    You'll enjoy it,'s well worth doing, but can be a tad more expensive than simply buying one.
    SS Inbred
    Mongoose Teocali Super
  • Torres
    Torres Posts: 1,266
    Up until last month ihad 3 builds on the go at once, now they're all finished i feel kinda empty :(
    What We Achieve In Life, Echoes In Eternity
  • It's when you're thinking 2 or 3 projects away whilst you're still doing the project that involves heavy frame modification that you've got issues.

    The inbred is still hanging on my wall, i'm planning what to do when the carbon 456 frame arrives, and i've got an old steel geared roadie on the back burner and plans for a frankenbike/monstercrosser.

    Fortunately working part time in a LBS does get me parts at trade :twisted:
  • lawman
    lawman Posts: 6,868
    i was all geared up to buy a new bike and had a nice sum saved up for a deposit, but no i have a job in my LBS i keep buying new parts for current steed :lol: this month alone ive bought some new rockshox revelation races, dt swiss wheels, and next week ill be getting some nobby nics and a ti charge spoon :lol: i think the sudden influx of money has turned me into a real bike tart :lol:
  • jay12
    jay12 Posts: 6,306
    I'am nearing complition with my first bike build and i have really enjoyed it and also i think in the end it will be chaper than an equvilent whole bike :shock:
    and i will start saving up once i finish for a FR/DH build, then a AM full suspension and then an XC bike :lol:
  • lawman
    lawman Posts: 6,868
    forgot to mention that at work, we're just getting in 2010 stock from felt so ive spent last weekend and today bulding a load of bikes, which i have to say is bloody good fun :lol: 3 bikes in 3 hours 8) :lol: