Its gone a bit quiet.....



  • tebbit
    tebbit Posts: 604
    No fatties are no longer fair game, well actually they are fair game let's face it, it's just that I put on four stone when studying in my early thirties and I have only got rid of half of it. No you can't have a go at fatties, I might dislike it and find it offensive.
  • Ands
    Ands Posts: 1,437
    tebbit wrote:
    What prejudice against racists, terrible! The one last thing we can prejudiced against and it is allowed

    surely fatties are still fair game?
    It's not their's their glands :roll: .....(salivary glands :lol: )
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    Here in the States we are starting to see commercials on TV that feature a couple of people talking and one of them says "that's so gay". Then some "famous gay person"
    appears on the screen telling you that it's offensive and to "knock it off". Now I know a few gay couples and they even said "where the h*ll did that come from?" They always tell me, when we go fishing, that if the boat starts sinking it's "women and faggots first".
  • iain_j
    iain_j Posts: 1,941
    mw4eva = markwalker?
  • Aggieboy
    Aggieboy Posts: 3,996
    iain_j wrote:
    mw4eva = markwalker?

    We forgive you, you're from Liverpool.
    "There's a shortage of perfect breasts in this world, t'would be a pity to damage yours."
  • mw4eva wrote:
    Markwalker only actually refused to bow to the anti racIsm posters he never did agree with or promote actually racist ideals.

    In that respect andyp you are hounding a man unable to defend himself for something he didn't do. What does that make you?

    Alpha blue, you repeatedly wanted him to acknowledge he was against racism yet he replied that he was neutral. Again you are hounding a man for not agreeing with you.

    Very very unpleasant and a poor show all round.

    OK, markwalker fanboy, welcome to the forum. Good to see your loyalty to him. Tell us a little about yourself and your interest in markwalker.
  • alfablue
    alfablue Posts: 8,497
    mw4eva wrote:
    Markwalker only actually refused to bow to the anti racIsm posters he never did agree with or promote actually racist ideals.

    In that respect andyp you are hounding a man unable to defend himself for something he didn't do. What does that make you?

    Alpha blue, you repeatedly wanted him to acknowledge he was against racism yet he replied that he was neutral. Again you are hounding a man for not agreeing with you.

    Very very unpleasant and a poor show all round.
    Mark, not very impressive (the appearance of someone with 1 post, with MW in the name). As for NEUTRAL about racism - hilarious, so that means racism is fine, most probably you could take or leave the holocaust as well :lol:
  • mw4eva
    mw4eva Posts: 11
    No iain, I'm not markwalker, perhaps you'd have me banned too as an outsider? If not I apologise.

    It does seem as if some here are pack animals attacking someone for not agreeing with your ideals. Again apologies Ian if that isn't you, I'm new here and normally an observer.

    I do however think he had some integrity of character.
  • alfablue
    alfablue Posts: 8,497
    mw4eva wrote:
    I do however think he had some integrity of character.
    There are plenty who admired Hitler's integrity
  • iain_j
    iain_j Posts: 1,941
    Aggieboy wrote:
    We forgive you, you're from Liverpool.

  • alfablue
    alfablue Posts: 8,497
    mw4eva wrote:
    No iain, I'm not markwalker.
    okay, after that extensive catalogue of information,we are convinced! :roll:

    Are you not a little embarrassed by the name "mw4eva" unless you are his spouse or mother? Seems pretty weird :?
  • mw4eva
    mw4eva Posts: 11
    alfablue wrote:
    mw4eva wrote:
    Markwalker only actually refused to bow to the anti racIsm posters he never did agree with or promote actually racist ideals.

    In that respect andyp you are hounding a man unable to defend himself for something he didn't do. What does that make you?

    Alpha blue, you repeatedly wanted him to acknowledge he was against racism yet he replied that he was neutral. Again you are hounding a man for not agreeing with you.

    Very very unpleasant and a poor show all round.
    Mark, not very impressive (the appearance of someone with 1 post, with MW in the name). As for NEUTRAL about racism - hilarious, so that means racism is fine, most probably you could take or leave the holocaust as well :lol:
    As I have already identified, and as you confirm you still seek to hound a man for not saying what you want to hear. And now once he's gone you attribute the holocaust to him?????
    Do you feel tough now? Are you vindicated? You've been here a long time, it doesn't make you right but it does make you a bully.
    If I'm banned for daring to object it makes no odds most of my posts are in a different section. I use a different login because I don't want to be banned from an area I enjoy.
  • alfablue
    alfablue Posts: 8,497
    give up mw, you heard the saying "when in a hole, stop digging"? It is good advice.
  • whyamihere
    whyamihere Posts: 7,719
    alfablue wrote:
    mw4eva wrote:
    I do however think he had some integrity of character.
    There are plenty who admired Hitler's integrity
    Godwin's Law invoked, topic over.
This discussion has been closed.