Barry Boys

missmarple Posts: 1,980
edited February 2010 in The Crudcatcher

Taking the phrase "Shed of the Week" to a new dimension!


'Innit brev'.


  • Fucking hilarious......... :lol:

    How can anyone ever think that looks good LOL
  • Dat ride iz lyk, da sh!t, innit my badda bredda.

    Brrrrap 8)
    Boo-yah mofo
    Sick to the power of rad
    Fix it 'till it's broke
  • RevellRider
    RevellRider Posts: 1,794
    Oh dear, trying to do a 6R4 with a 5 door shell just won't cut it :cry:

    This is what it should look like
  • Good effort. I'd be quite interested to hear their ideas on filling those rear wheel arches!
    "The problem was, I was still using my eyes even though I had them shut"

    Demoted to commuting duty

    Orange Crush!
  • jpstar
    jpstar Posts: 561
    I find it scary that people think that looks good.... :lol:
  • Love the bucket seats and Sabelt harnesses...the people who build that need a swift kick in the conkers if you ask me :lol:
    I bought an Impreza Spost and it had an Impreza Turbo bonnet on it...cost me a few quid to get a 'normal' bonnet on there but at least it wasn't a fake :lol:
    Think I might get some Kona/Marin/Boardman stickers for my Diamondback and see if anybody notices :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: