What Watts

sparrowlegs78 Posts: 2,583
edited February 2010 in Health, fitness & training
I've been to the gym today and I was playing with the setting on the static bikes, and they have a Watt output meter on them, I was putting out an average of 145 Watts.
Is that good and how much training can you place on Watt output?
Caz xx


  • robertpb
    robertpb Posts: 1,866
    I don't know much about this as I've never been on something that gave a watts output.

    I read that Lance Armstrong can output 1,000 watts.

    You have to calculate the watts output per kilo of body weight to make sense of it.
    Now where's that "Get Out of Crash Free Card"
  • Thats all waaaaay beyond me,. I'm a bit thick :oops:
    Caz xx
  • 77ric
    77ric Posts: 601
    Caz perhaps asking on the roadie forum might get you some better answers, they talk about all that kinda pish.
    Fancy a brew?
  • I'd get even more confuddled on there, they scare me on there :lol:
    Caz xx
  • 77ric
    77ric Posts: 601
    with all that lycra and being bone thin they scare most folk :lol:
    Fancy a brew?
  • Splottboy
    Splottboy Posts: 3,693
    "What tog?"
    "What what?"
    "What tog do you want...8, 10.5, 12?"
    I didn't even know what a tog was, never mind point 5 of a tog!

    Rhod Gilbert sketch - Buying a duvet.
  • rhyko7
    rhyko7 Posts: 781
    edited February 2010
    I've been to the gym today and I was playing with the setting on the static bikes, and they have a Watt output meter on them, I was putting out an average of 145 Watts.
    Is that good and how much training can you place on Watt output?
    Caz xx

    i have no idea if 145 is good, i think that 1000Watts is a myth or based over a short period of time, Lance Armstrong aint really that strong, just mega fit.

    most the roadies use a power metre for most there training, i think you have to relate it to your heart rate zones before you start training with it, its a more accurate measure of your output that heart rate, and its more important the output of your legs thatn your heart, especially for zone 2 riding.
    Back to your 145 - there are variables to speak of, such as your weight, how long you could keep the 145 watts constant for, and the length of the crank arms could well also be a factor.
    that probably doesnt help you, but if you use the power metre: keep a record of what you have done and you can try to improve on it, dont worry too much about comparing to others.
    Dont look at it-ride it! they are tools not f*cking ornaments

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  • robertpb
    robertpb Posts: 1,866
    This does not make sense rhyko7

    i have no idea if 145 is good, i think that 1000Watts is a myth or based over a large period of time, Lance Armstrong aint really that strong, just mega fit.

    Sprint cyclists can hit 2,000 watts at the start.

    Road cyclist can hit between 1,500-1,700 in a sprint finish

    Lance Armstrong can average 550 watts over 20mins so he can do over 1,000 in a sprint.

    Watts are measured over a second so they are not accumulative, that would be watt hours.

    Most regular cyclists should be able to do 3 watts per kg over a 20min period, a world class rider would be looking at 5.7 or more and the top riders 6.6.
    Now where's that "Get Out of Crash Free Card"
  • rhyko7
    rhyko7 Posts: 781
    robertpb wrote:
    This does not make sense rhyko7

    i have no idea if 145 is good, i think that 1000Watts is a myth or based over a large period of time, Lance Armstrong aint really strong, just mega fit.

    Sprint cyclists can hit 2,000 watts at the start.

    Road cyclist can hit between 1,500-1,700 in a sprint finish

    Lance Armstrong can average 550 watts over 20mins so he can do over 1,000 in a sprint.

    Watts are measured over a second so they are not accumulative, that would be watt hours.

    Most regular cyclists should be able to do 3 watts per kg over a 20min period, a world class rider would be looking at 5.7 or more and the top riders 6.6.

    sorry im not sure why i wrote large, i meant to write small, in that he wouldntt be able to hold that power output for long, i know what a watt is, i have a degree in engineering :P
    its quite impressive a 1000 watts that about 1 and a quatre horse power or so, i wander how much power is generated when we do a leg press explosively, i bet Chris Hoy puts out a few horse power-he's a beast.
    last time i was on the exercise bike i was doing around 200 Watts (it flashed up when i increased resistance) for about 40 minutes i think, its meaningless tho really, because its not something i monitor.

    yeah my point was supposed to be that the wattage is meaningless without a duration to go with it, but i was being lazy and didnt explain myself.
    hope this redeems myself somewhat, my last post embarrassed me :oops:
    Dont look at it-ride it! they are tools not f*cking ornaments

    my riding:

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  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    As above, many of us can attain high power outputs for very short periods (a watt is 1 joule per second. the joule being a unit of energy).

    Usain Bolt can hit 3hp!
  • sparrowlegs78
    sparrowlegs78 Posts: 2,583
    edited February 2010
    all I know is i'm 12 and a half stone and can hold 145 watts give or take for about 15 mins on quite a hard setting.
    I am but a newbie to techie stuff, I hav much to learn o Masters :lol:
    Caz xxx

    Edited coz I am a thick cow :lol:
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    You aint 155kg darling!
  • I thouight I had that wrong when I typed it, Had to ask the hubby :lol:...ok then 12 and a half stone then.
    Must have been Lbs then not kg lol....go I am a blonde really lmao
    Caz xxx