Shouldn't really laugh but...

.blitz Posts: 6,197
edited February 2010 in The Crudcatcher
...I had a great day out on the Chase yesterday with jr and his mate. On the way back from the SEA, we took in a few sections of FtD but were baulked somewhat by an enthusiastic little sh*t on a BSO who was determined that neither jr or his mate (both 13) were going to get past. Boys will be boys, words were exchanged and eventually they barged past him but being the responsible mature adult that I am, I waited until we came to a fireroad to go past.

We regrouped at the start of S10 and hastily pushed off as the BSO approached. The three of us railed the berm like a freight train, just in time to glance back and see BSO lad freeze at the drop-in and go down like he'd been snipered. How we laughed as we carried on through the trees :twisted:


  • bails87
    bails87 Posts: 12,998
    Is S10 the one that drops down and comes out at the start of one the sections that was closed for ages, where you used to have to ride the fireroad parallel to it?

    I think I know the one you mean, not as big or scary as one of the ones further up, or on the chainslapper. I got that one horribly wong in the snow last week, somehow rode right up the bank on the inside of it and just about stayed upright as I dropped back down the increasingly vertical face, which launched me into the outside of the berm, which I just about kept the front wheel on, hairy stuff, embarassingly!

    "As I said last time, it won't happen again."
  • .blitz
    .blitz Posts: 6,197
    That's the one!
  • bails87
    bails87 Posts: 12,998
    Good work. I got stuck behind some guy on a carbon fibre Trek HT one time, looked like quite a serious XCer, but he must have been in 'eye-of-the-tiger-training-mode' because he had his iPod on and couldn't hear me trying to get him to move out the way. :evil:

    "As I said last time, it won't happen again."
  • missmarple
    missmarple Posts: 1,980
    Excellent! But what is a BSO? :D