The White Rose Challenge 2010

Booboocp Posts: 1,156
Firstly, I'd like to thank all those who have sent supportive messages over the last few months.

Now for the bad news, unfortunately the White Rose Challenge will not be taking place in 2010. This is for a number of reasons, some of which you may know about, but I'll outline below the main ones:

1. After a long battle with cancer, my fellow organiser and wife Caroline died recently.

2. While looking after Caroline I had to ignore my own illness, which I'm now having treatment for. I am not well enough to take on the strain of this event in 2010 in the time available to me.

3. Despite my best efforts, I have been unable to find a (full) team whom could take over the event for 2010 and run it as I think it should be run.

I would like to ask all our friends and competitors who have enjoyed this event to please continue to support us, as we will return in 2011 with a bigger and better event. I feel I am letting you down and trust me I really have tried, but it is just not possible to stage it this year.

Finally I would like to publicly thank my wife Caroline, without who's help the event would never have taken place at all.
RIP Caroline 1959-2009
<b>Event Website:</b>


  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Derek, sorry for your loss. All of us on here wish you a good recovery and again, you have our profound condolences.

  • Fifer
    Fifer Posts: 60
    Sorry to hear of your loss.

    Cycling and all other activities are rightly put on the back burner. I'm sure that everyone will understand the situation and wish you a speedy recovery also.
    Winter Bike: Specialized Allez Elite
    Summer Bike: Specialized Tarmac Pro SL
  • Oh Derek I'm so sorry. I hope it doesn't take long for your own health gets back to where it should be.

  • dmclite wrote:
    Derek, sorry for your loss. All of us on here wish you a good recovery and again, you have our profound condolences.

    +1 to that. Don't even begin to think that you have let anyone down in any way. Hope you are back in business in 2011, but don't rush anything to do with your health.

  • Derek, I've never met you, but I can guess what kind of team you and your wife must have been simply from the organisation of last year's WRC: quite simply the best event I've ever taken part in.

    My deepest condolences.
  • pdstsp
    pdstsp Posts: 1,264
    Derek this is such sad news - I echo what everybody else has written. It will be great to see you and your event back next year but make sure your own health is your priority.

  • Sincere condolences
  • brin
    brin Posts: 1,122
    having just joined this forum, its with great sadness my 1st posting should be to offer my deepest condolences to you Derek. had a wonderful time last year doing the W.R.C. but as you correctly said, far more important things have taken precedence in your life.
    I wish you all the very best on your road to recovery, something i am sure you will combat, especially for the sake of your late wife, take care.
  • So sorry to read that, Derek, and look forward to seeing you back in 2011 - but as others have said your own health is the priority - all best wishes. WRC was/is absolutely the definitive sportive for me - take care.
  • Very sorry hear that Derek. Hope you are well again soon.

    Less importantly I think this is a great event.
  • fraz167
    fraz167 Posts: 142
    Hi Derek,

    Thanks for taking the time to post.

    Please accept my deepest sympathy for your loss, I know you and Caroline were a great team, so hope that you are finding support from your friends and family.

    You are absolutley right to focus on your own condition, and i hope that the warm regard that everyone on this forum and in cycling in general has for you, gives you strength for own fight against this terrible condition.

    Kind Regards

  • Derek, thanks to you and Caroline for organising a tremendous event last year.

    So sorry for your loss.
    Champagne tastes. Lemonade pockets.
  • May I add my sincere condolences on your tragic recent loss Derek, and echo the sentiments of all who have posted before me.

    As others have rightly said, now is the time to put your own health first, second and third. I hope your recovery is fast and full, and look forward to seeing you again at the next edition of the WRC, whenever that may be.

  • Bart Puss
    Bart Puss Posts: 169
    Just found out your very sad news Derek, please accept my somewhat belated condolences on your loss.

    Hope that you will start feeling better soon.


    Chris Beetham.