Furious Time

Bungalow Bill
Bungalow Bill Posts: 643
edited February 2010 in MTB general
Ordering up a new 2010 Come Furious this week can not wait =D

Negative thing I won get it untill June when I go back to Whistler *sigh* but hey all good =D
I use all 9 inches.



  • Nice, you don't see a lot of them around. The supreme tends to be the more popular choice. You getting it for riding the bike park??
  • Yeah will be in the Park again for two weeks, took my prophet last year and she did a good job but the last few days it was give and take if she was coming back a bike or scrap metal haha.

    So thought this yeah something slightly more robust and as you say not many around :-D
    I use all 9 inches.

  • delcol
    delcol Posts: 2,848
    bill you going back to whistler,,, will you be getting the bike over there,,

    i know what you mean about taking a beating, i kept bottoming out my heckler especially on the runs up top,, thats why i got the spesh demo 7, in sept last year..

    how did you like whistler? i think i saw you in the lift que (when you were there in sept) if it was you -you were getting in the gondola as we were in the que it was your bike i recognised off your pic and vids... did you get any cam footage of whistler...

    we are going back in may for the first 2 weeks of the season.
  • Hey hey dude, yeah man was me :-D

    I sent you a mail before I left but never got a reply, then Chris I think said he'd been over to your lodge and seen you guys but I was heading home the next day.

    Did you get the A-Line knocked out this time round?

    I did my second day and never looked back lol, although I took the chicken run off the drop haha.

    Loads of pics on facebook, I'll PM you my username so you can add me if you have it?

    Vids are here best of what I got really.


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vW4lDrYP ... re=related

    Yeah picking my furious up out there, heading out 5th of June for two weeks thinking of extending to three lol, gona see how it goes at work haha.

    Any vids from you guys?
    I use all 9 inches.

  • delcol
    delcol Posts: 2,848
    edited February 2010
    i never got your mail i was waiting to receive it,,

    we did a trail builing day and 2 t2r guides were there i asked if you was there and he told me you flew home that sat..

    yeah i did a line this tme fantastic,did the drop got loads of vids of the park off my vio pov and my bros contour hd. click links in sig..
    check out the vid hucking bike park.
    i not got round to the face book thing yet i keep meaning to..

    i will watch the vids now...

    we fly home on the 30th may..
  • I definitely sent you one, about two weeks before I flew out :?

    Just found them links looking now, Im upgrading to the contour this year :-D
    I use all 9 inches.

  • delcol
    delcol Posts: 2,848
    i never got it,, must be my gay spam filter.... i was looking forward to hooking up and playing gude to. :cry:
    did you ride any of the xc if you can call them xc trail in whistler..

    go for the contour hd over the hd 1080p,, we got both and never been overly impressed with the 1080p one... my brother has side by side comparison tests on you tube, click the topasassin link in my sig for ians youtube vids...
  • Meh spam filters Ill send carrier pigeon next time.

    Did some XC the first day but Id not been on the bike for about 2 months after a crash so was about as fit as Michelle Mcmanus so didnt really enjoy it, but it was more freeride than XC in places lol.

    Yeah not much difference really if any.

    Got back end of September two days later on the local black run decided to fly like a bird for about 30 Meters luckily a tree saved my going any further, not ridden since.

    But getting there soon I hope lol, my bike is super clean now haha.
    I use all 9 inches.
