Bristol Hill Reps

benp123 Posts: 13
I am new to Bristol and am wondering the best place to do some hill rep training in the dark after work.

I am living in the Bishopston area so anywhere within a 20 minute cycle ride from there would be good.


  • Garrigou
    Garrigou Posts: 145
    Maybe down to Hotwells & then up Jacobs Wells Road & Constitution Hill? It's only about 1km, but it's pretty sharp up Constitution Hill. Not exactly 'traffic-free', though.
    Between me & Eddy Merckx we've won pretty much everything worth winning on a bike.
  • Up Rownham Hill, to Leigh Woods/suspension bridge from Ashton Gate?

    Or, for less gradient, the B road up towards Failand?
  • Clem
    Clem Posts: 546
    Right on your doorstep is Kersteman Road, off Cranbrook Road, which I seem to remember pounding up a few times when I lived in Bishopston...

    If want to ride to the limit of 20 minutes or so before you really start Wraxall Hill is a steep one if you want to test your lowest gears (climb up from Bristol Road to Clevedon Road) while Belmont Hill (B3129) is a longer, shallower gradient up and down the same side of the same hill - Tickenham.

    You can climb Tickenham Hill (B3128) from the Clevedon direction or descend it (or either of the above) after riding out past the Ashton Court estate or crossing the suspension bridge (B3129), crossing the A369 and turning left back onto the B3219, there called Beggar Bush Lane.

    Crossing Clifton Suspension Bridge puts you in the area of many decent climbs... how many of them I'd want to do reps on after dark is debatable but Belmont Hill probably sees least traffic and that there is can find its way around you without much bother - assuming you are lit up like a Chrismas tree, of course!

    Have fun!