Wiggle...How Safe with Credit Cards

Chriscommuter Posts: 238
edited March 2010 in Commuting chat

I haven't logged on for about 18 months and so this may have been covered recently.

However about 2 to 3 years ago there seemed to be a problem with Wiggle in that many customers seemed to have their credit card details stolen and used by someone else.

Anyone got an update or any views on this?


17 years commuting up and down the King\'s Road and i still don\'t get faster...


  • alfablue
    alfablue Posts: 8,497
    There was never any evidence that this was true (or that it wasn't, but that would be impossible to prove). You can pay with PayPal, (people may question the security of that too). I don't worry about it.
  • Wallace1492
    Wallace1492 Posts: 3,707
    The only problem I have with Wiggle and credit card is that they keep debiting it and sending me stuff, but then i realise that I have ordered it! :shock:

    Have a decent stock of Haribo now... :P
    "Encyclopaedia is a fetish for very small bicycles"
  • suzyb
    suzyb Posts: 3,449
    Kids and cyclists love it so, the happy world of Haribo :wink:
  • Never had a problem myself.

    I'd use credit not debit mind, you tend to be better protected - certainly on orders above £100 and the like, but check your card issuer for their specifics.
  • I had two successive debit cards used to buy phone topups. The only common web retailer that I used the cards with was Wiggle. I use Paypal with them now and haven't had a problem. I consider this anecdote and not evidence but just thought I'd add my experience.
  • I had two successive debit cards used to buy phone topups. The only common web retailer that I used the cards with was Wiggle. I use Paypal with them now and haven't had a problem. I consider this anecdote and not evidence but just thought I'd add my experience.
  • I have a card that until Wiggle -- had nor been used for online buying. Other purchases from Wiggle were on my normal debit card.

    I was contacted by an officer from a fraud unit . He was able to give me both card numbers and other ID details :shock: . They were found stored on a mobile taken from a known Card fraudster in the midlands .

    The only link between the two cards was Wiggle.....

    Worse ?

    Two weeks before the call my bank called me and asked me if I had tried to buy airline tickets in Milan , or hifi in New York ..... On my debit card. The bank (Barclays) were savvy enough to block the transactions and contact me . They immediately froze my account and issued a new card.

    The officer thought both could be linked , but no actual proof.

    I do believe that the original leak was from Wiggle though.. Have not used them since

  • Aguila
    Aguila Posts: 622
    No issues with wiggle. I think they are excellent. I've been the victim of card fraud twice. On both occasions the fraud department have said that card detail theft from mainstream online retailers is very rare. The transactions are largely automated, so people do not really get much access to your details. This assumes you are running a secure browser (ie not internet explorer) and have up to date antivirus/spyware. I'm told the commonest way to get your details stolen is in a retailer where you hand the card to someone, main examples being restaurants and particularly petrol stations.
  • Aguila wrote:
    No issues with wiggle. I think they are excellent. I've been the victim of card fraud twice. On both occasions the fraud department have said that card detail theft from mainstream online retailers is very rare. The transactions are largely automated, so people do not really get much access to your details. This assumes you are running a secure browser (ie not internet explorer) and have up to date antivirus/spyware. I'm told the commonest way to get your details stolen is in a retailer where you hand the card to someone, main examples being restaurants and particularly petrol stations.


    I've used various cards on various sites I've trusted in the last 10 years using secure browsers on PC's I've known that had good av running. Never to this date had any fraud on cards. I've never heard of any valid or substantiated claims that wiggle's site was compromised in anyway. Don't use IE for online purchasing and always maintain a healthy up to day av on your pc. Oh as for on topic - I first bought from wiggle over 6 years ago. They are now a very healthy and secure site - you don't get that by being shoddy in the past - its recorded.
    Le Cannon [98 Cannondale M400] [FCN: 8]
    The Mad Monkey [2013 Hoy 003] [FCN: 4]
  • wiggle always good, only ever used paypal though
    my only problem is that my last order didnt have any haribos :cry:
  • Have used Wiggle for online international purchase and never had a problem with their service or site security.

    There was a problem at my end though when the bank blocked the first purchase thinking it might have been fraud/ unauthorised use. Wiggle sent me an email to notify me that something was wrong, and I called my bank.

    Found out they (the bank) blocked the transaction and I gave them a piece of my mind for keeping quiet about it for 3 days.
  • spent thousands with them over last few years (much like many on here) never had any issues with any of their service.
  • I only use Paypal with them. True or not the stories about Wiggle and card security are very persistent.
    Cannondale Supersix / CAAD9 / Boardman 9.0 / Benotto 3000
  • alfablue
    alfablue Posts: 8,497
    The stories are persistent because threads like this come up adding to the level of anecdotal evidence (for that is all there is). This thread just keeps the myth alive, so new members read it and the anecdote becomes fact in their minds.

    It has been said before in the many previous threads that there is a correlation at work here - many people are victims of card fraud, including those on bike forums; many people on bike forums use wiggle (being one of, if not the most successful bike web retailer). Therefore, many people posting on bike forums will have used wiggle and will have been card fraud victims, the two are not causally related - MMR/Autism anyone?

    I have been victim of card fraud, Ion both occasions my bank spotted it and sorted it all out. One occasion was definitely because a hostel in Queensland swiped my card, the other I suspect petrol station staff (there have been many such cases). If I use my card only for Wiggle, online, it would not mean Wiggle are therefore at fault.
  • flamite
    flamite Posts: 269
    both myself and the mrs bought stuff off wiggle, and both had unknown pay as you go cards purchased from our accounts...

    bit suspect me thinks, agree go through paypal!

    i also now have a credit card that i only use for online purchases, have a limit of £500, so noone can steal a huge amount of cash....
  • W1
    W1 Posts: 2,636
    Use Wiggle often, never had a problem.
  • Sure my credit card got cloned through Wiggle; Cinema tickets, mobile phones and various things bought hundreds of miles from where I live.
    All this happened after the Wiggle site went down, attacked or hacked!
  • Aguila
    Aguila Posts: 622
    Sure my credit card got cloned through Wiggle; Cinema tickets, mobile phones and various things bought hundreds of miles from where I live.
    All this happened after the Wiggle site went down, attacked or hacked!

    So you had only ever used that card at wiggle?? Never in the real world to pay for anything? Unless the answer to both of those is yes then actually you have no idea when or where the details were obtained.
  • I've never had a problem with Wiggle either but I do wonder why I never have to put in the 3 digit security number to make a purchase. I thought retailers weren't supposed to store this csv number? (Maybe I just misunderstood the point of it)
  • About 4 years ago I had £4.5k of Amazon purchases racked up on a new card I'd only used once - on Wiggle. About the time the kerfuffle about Wiggle and card security started kicking off. Never proven that it was anything to do with Wiggle of course. Could equally well be someone dodgy at the card issuers.
    Still using Wiggle for most of my cycling purchases, always have. Still using cards with them. Never any problems since.
    I've had people try to defraud other cards I have - not the ones I use on Wiggle. It happens, most banks/card issuers will pick this up and deal with it before the card owner is aware of it. A non-issue really IMO.
  • NWLondoner
    NWLondoner Posts: 2,047
    My card got done again last month. A £1500 plane ticket to Brazil.

    Thankfully my CC company were on the ball and phoned me straight sway. Got the money back after 5 days.

    I did email wiggle about the fact that they don't use "verified by visa" or "mastercard secure". Never did get a reply.

    Paypal or Worldpay from now on for Wiggle purchases.
  • alfablue
    alfablue Posts: 8,497
    This week I got my online banking suspended because I was doing a transaction with an Australian company - inconvenient, but the banks are really on the ball now.
  • Nick6891
    Nick6891 Posts: 274
    ive never had issues with any company buying online although i try to use paypal as much as i can, and i do think that a company the size of wiggle wouldnt be allowing card details to be taken, i think what is much more likely is that you have a trojen on your comp sending info to someone sat in china or somewhere, they could see everything you type therefore when you type your bank details in, they get your details, however if you use paypal they only get your password not your bank details so isnt really much use, i know someone who had a trojen that did this he got rid of it in the end but he got it as his comp wasnt well protected to start with, and to be honest alot of the time when your card details are got from been online its off your comp rather than the company
  • edindevon
    edindevon Posts: 325
    I just got a call from my bank saying that someone had tried to make a fraudulent transaction on my Visa card on February 28th.

    The one and only transaction I myself have made with that card in the last 6 weeks was with Wiggle on February 15th. This leads me to suspect that there might be a problem with Wiggle's security.

    I've never had any problem of this sort before.

  • dilemna
    dilemna Posts: 2,187
    I never had a problem with Wiggle. Haribos every time. I avoid Paypal as they are rip off merchants. Paypal owned by Ebay are a nightmare to deal with if things go tits up.
    Life is like a roll of toilet paper; long and useful, but always ends at the wrong moment. Anon.
    Think how stupid the average person is.......
    half of them are even more stupid than you first thought.
  • iPete
    iPete Posts: 6,076
    Glad I found this thread, my balance has been constantly going down since I first used that site :lol: