Squeeking Discs...& question about pedals

Gazmondo Posts: 91
edited February 2010 in MTB general
I know there's not much I can do to prevent the ridiculous squeeking of my discs when it's wet and cold, though does anyone know of any "disc covers" that I could put over my discs while it's stored in the bike sheds at work? Just to prevent them getting wet, or is there anything similar? Or would I just be better off wiping my rotors dry with a towel....?

Another question, I've got the standard pedals that come on an '07 rockhopper, though in the wet my feet are constantly slipping off them.... Any ideas on which ones I could replace them with which would offer a little more traction on my trainers?



  • Beardface
    Beardface Posts: 5,495
    As far as I know, you can't get rotor covers.. squeaking is just one of those things.. pump your breaks when you get riding, it does stop it a little but, but otherwise, think of it as a free, much cooler, bell :P

    As for pedals.. a decent set of flats will do the job.. Wellgo MG1's (V8 copys), DMR V8's etc will stick to your feet like fresh dog egg, and tear your shins to bits.. bliss :lol:

    (Does depend on the trainers you're using too I guess.. I only wear skate shoes, like Globe, Etnies, DC's etc, and they've always been great for me).
  • Wellgo MG-1 over any dmr pedal. Silly light, stupid tough and can be had for £30-£40 on eBay
  • popstar
    popstar Posts: 1,392
    Wellgo b54 more durable than mg1*s ... and cheaper. Got to be carefull hitting rocks with mg1*s, some peeps did report magnesium pedals (mg1's) faring bad against rocks. But in OP case it seems he is more into comuting than thrashing around, so MG1 more favourable ... It's 100+ gramm lighter than B54.
    What could have been (Video)

    I'll choose not put too much stake into someone's opinion who is admittingly terrible though
  • they are a bit soft, but i've not had any issues when i've crashed. The thing to keep an eye on the bushing.
  • Northwind
    Northwind Posts: 14,675
    I'm always quite surprised that my MG1s are still the right shape, I'm not exactly hardcore but I've clumsily hammered them off rocks and stuff from time to time, they're scraped up but they're not actually damaged. Tougher than I'd expected really, I'd have no beef if they'd broken after some of those hits...
    Uncompromising extremist
  • well exactly, they don't just fall apart.
  • Disc brake squeal....... I was told (and have done this successfully) that a smear of copper grease on the metal back of the pads stops this. Apparently it it not the pad on the disc that makes the screeching sound, but high resonating vibrations of the back of the pad in contact with the piston. That smear of copper grease somehow stops that.

    Not too much mind and you don't want to get the copper grease on the pad face or it's new pad time....

    Worked a treat for me.....
  • Thanks for the replies guys, I'll be getting the MG-1s due to the weight, or should I say, lack of :D

    Both F&R brakes are doing my tree in, I haven't been on the bike all day, I've had both rotors off, cleaned and dried, re-calibrated both sets and even had a slight ruffle of sandpaper across the face of the pads.... the squeeking is still there, and it's ridiculously loud.

    I've not been happy with the juicy 5s ever since I got the bike, they were vibrating on heavy braking before the squeeking, and my front set need bleeding (adjusted the wrong torx screw, my bad), so I'm going to replace the front set. I'll try the copper grease on my rears.

    Any help on which brakes and adaptors if poss: