Visiting the Aran Islands.

Dr_Nickcp Posts: 53
edited February 2010 in Tour & expedition
In the summer at a music festival I saw British Sea Power perform a live soundtrack to an old documentary film called 'Man of Aran', about the Aran Islands off the west of Ireland in the 1930s. I'm now planning a trip to Ireland to visit the islands, hopefully combined with a trip to Dublin for Bloomsday (because I'm also slightly obsessed with James Joyce).

So I'll arrive off the ferry in Dublin, or Dun Laoghaire, and I want to get to Galway - can anyone suggest the best way? The trains say they do take bikes, but you can't book in advance, which strikes me as problematic. I could ride, obviously, but I don't think I'll have time to do it in both directions, so will want some mechanical assistance.

Also any recommendations on places to visit - particularly if they are associated with dead writers - will be very welcome.


  • My wife and I got a train back from the west coast to Dublin last summer. We just went to the train station and didn't have a problem with the bikes.
    Also, when we arrived from Holyhead, we put our bikes on a bus and zipped away from Rosslare to Cork. Again , you have to pay, but it shouldn't be a problem.
    It's an uphill climb to the bottom
  • Tomred
    Tomred Posts: 41
    hi Dr Nick
    when ya leave the ferry get a bus into dublin then straight to heuston station, grab ticket for the bike, go to galway and cycle out the coast to a place called spiddal, its beautiful and easily cycled, loadsa stone walls and sheep, also good hostels.. arran islands are great, go to inishmore island, has a cliff top celtic fort called dun angus with jaw dropping views of the atlantic.. has to be seen.. well worth it. island is only 15 miles around n well bike friendly!.. enjoy!
  • Bikehawk
    Bikehawk Posts: 102
    Alternatively, you can travel south from Galway along the coast road. There are a few places where you can get a ferry to the Aran islands on this route. Not sure how long you will be spending here but a look at a map will show this road/ferry points so you can decide how far along it you want to travel. Generally the coast roads and those on the Aran's are not of the best quality so bike choice for your own comfort is important. Other than that enjoy!!!!
  • Hi Dr Nick,

    I'm originally from Galway.
    All depends on how much you wish to spend on travel /accommodation etc...
    I would cycle from the ferry into Dublin City. About 2 miles i reckon.

    Get the bus to Galway direct with City Link :
    Will only cost 1 euro each way if you book in advance. Phone them in advance about taking the bikes.
    Galway is great city to stay ofr a few nights. Excellent hostels.
    Good hostels on Inishmore too.
    Aran Islands are very small so not much cycling to do !!!

    Info on Writers:
    WB Yeats lived in Thoor Ballylee in South Galway off main road between Ardrahan and Gort. Beauutiful spot.

    Also down the road is Coole park where Lady Gregory once lived and many famous irish writers stayed there. House is no longer standing but lovely park to walk/cycle around.

    another famous poet Anthony Raftery is buried near my home village - Craughwell.{/url]

    Let me know if you want any more info...
  • Thank you to everyone who's replied.

    I've now booked the ferries so I am committed to the whole adventure. I'm going to spend a day in Dublin first then head for the west by either train or coach - a fare of one euro is certainly a bargain, but I need to look into whether they will accept bicycle and panniers etc.
    Then, having visited the islands I may cycle back to Dublin over three or four or five days.

    I should have added I'm planning to camp (other than when in Dublin). So if anyone can recommend any good campsites either near Galway, Dublin or inbetween I would be very pleased.
  • agg25
    agg25 Posts: 619
    I cycled around the smallest of the Aran islands, could be done in an hour or two, lots of rock walls and friendly donkeys about, and the water is very cold for skinnydipping :-D
    Make sure you go out for a night in Galway, that town knows how to have a good time!