Boardman team carbon rear mech hanger

instantdiver Posts: 36
edited May 2010 in Road beginners
Hi all,
not a good day - wiped out on black ice & bent my team carbon limited rear mech hanger. Then had to wait in the freezing cold while my other half looked for me in the back of beyond.

Anyhow, now at home and after touching up minor scratches, dressing minor wounds & washing ripped & bloody clothes, I need to either repair the hanger, or replace it.

So the question is, is it repairable i.e. can it be straightened any sense (I guess it's 5-10 degrees off true), or if I have to replace it, would it be Boardman specific? FYI, rear mech is SRAM Rival. I'm guessing it would be frame hence Boardman specific.

Thanks for any advice. I hope you're all a lot me careful than I was on the roads this weekend - or just go to the gym instead, which is what I contemplated beforehand!
Boardman Team carbon LE #077
2008 Rockhopper Pro


  • rake
    rake Posts: 3,204
    was it black sheet ice. have you removed it to see if the carbons alright? id be more worried about that.
  • STEFANOS4784
    STEFANOS4784 Posts: 4,109
    :( Nightmare mate sorry to hear, anyhoo try these.

    Personally i'd try and bend it back, worse case scenario is it snaps then you need a new one anyway so nothing lost :)

    Contact Halfords if the hanger is removable then they should be able to sort you out fairly easily.(in theory :wink: )

    Glad your ok mate, just think at least you didn't have to walk it or be dragged off by an ambulance :D
  • As a newbie roadie I had a few Boardman related incidents myself today. Got the bike a few weeks ago and have had a few blasts on it with some temporary flat pedals and enjoyed it a lot. Tried clipless for the first time today and whilst practicing round the garden I had a couple of clipless moments.

    Could get my feet in and out quickly but I once stopped and then lent the wrong way and the other time trying to set off couldn't get my left foot I and stalled and again fell to the right. I was practicing on grass, which probably made getting the momenyum up when pushing off harder and helped soften the fall, even so I was pleasently suprised that toppling sidewards doesn't hurt the bike or me that much.

    The real disaster was when the chain snapped on me. I'm sure I hdn't done anything wrong and Halfords replaced it straight away with a new SRAM chain with no questions asked. The gut in the shop suggested that the new chain was probably better that the standard spec (which apparantly isn't SRAM). I didn't know enough to argue so left relieved that it had been repaired so quickly. I asked what had caused the chain to snap and reading between the lines of the answer I suspect they've had this happen before with a Team Carbon.

    Anyway, bike back in working order now so weather allowing it's taking the clipless pedals out on the road tomorow. This is my first post and I hope I enjoy this forum. If I never post again though you will know my clipless road experience won't have gone well.
  • Yes, it was sheet black ice. I'd gone aroung 15 miles & only noticed minor ice on puddles so this came as a bit of a surprise. Seems like the backroads in low lying areas were still bad as when I limped back to civilisation I came across a couple of worse places with the road covered. To top it all, I ended up at what must be the only pub that was closed until the evening :D
    Think I'll be a little more cautious in future when there's still ice about - just ain't worth it (wiped out twice in two months now with black ice, once commuting on the MTB and now on this :cry: )

    As for the frame, it appears ok. Where the hanger fixes to the metal insert in the frame, some of the paint has chipped off but no visible cracks or damage etc. Time permitting I may just try to bang it out, otherwise I guess contact Halfords and order one.

    Stefanos4784, thanks for the link but no Boardman hangers there.
    Boardman Team carbon LE #077
    2008 Rockhopper Pro
  • Hey instantdiver,

    Sorry to hear about your fall, it's never nice, but I've got the same bike and know how you must be feeling.
    Anyway, the individual components are available reasonably cheaply, the rear mech in the below link is only £40 so no major dramas really.
    Hope you're recovering well.
    Limited Edition Boardman Team Carbon No. 448
    Boardman MTB Team
  • andyrr
    andyrr Posts: 1,827
    If Halfords can't source one quickly then take it to a couple of decent bike shops - it's bound to be the same as one or more other manufacturers frames.
  • You don't just "bang it out" you need one of these :- ... item=DAG-2 a LBS will have one.
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    Don't try and use a gear hanger alignment tool to try and straighten a hanger whilst fitted to a frame - you'll probably break the attachment screws or even worse rip the drop-out from the stays! They're usually aluminium and soft but most don't tolerate too much 'tweaking' before they crack and break. Try BETD if Halfords can't help for a spare.
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • ram038
    ram038 Posts: 187
    Done this myself so speak from experience. Wiggle are\were selling the mech for £34 last week and I orderd the hanger, number 58, from BETD for £20.
  • Thanks for the replies :)
    Well, I did manage to 'bang it out' enough (not on the frame) that I can get 9 of the 10 gears and it no longer chews my chain (good enough excuse to pick up a KMC chain anyway).
    I understand that 'banging it out' isn't the preferred option. Halfords have ordered me two (just in case) at £12 a pop. All other superficial damage sorted and now my wifes dressed my arm (luckily she's a nurse - good for dressings but not for sympathy :D ), I managed to do 3 hours at the gym in prep for the Spring Ballbuster next month. So all's well that end's well, but along with a few other threads at the moment, I won't be riding in these conditions again. Just need to replace the ripped up clothes now.....
    Boardman Team carbon LE #077
    2008 Rockhopper Pro
  • Thanks for the replies :)
    Well, I did manage to 'bang it out' enough (not on the frame) that I can get 9 of the 10 gears and it no longer chews my chain (good enough excuse to pick up a KMC chain anyway).
    I understand that 'banging it out' isn't the preferred option. Halfords have ordered me two (just in case) at £12 a pop. All other superficial damage sorted and now my wifes dressed my arm (luckily she's a nurse - good for dressings but not for sympathy :D ), I managed to do 3 hours at the gym in prep for the Spring Ballbuster next month. So all's well that end's well, but along with a few other threads at the moment, I won't be riding in these conditions again. Just need to replace the ripped up clothes now.....
    Boardman Team carbon LE #077
    2008 Rockhopper Pro
  • Glad to hear you are sorted, the injuries will heal quickly.
  • ram038 wrote:
    Done this myself so speak from experience. Wiggle are\were selling the mech for £34 last week and I orderd the hanger, number 58, from BETD for £20.

    Hi RAM038 - I received the hanger from BETD today. It's the wrong one! To be fair I should have double checked. It looks like number 147 is the correct one (even has a note to say not to get confused with model 58).
    Of course, you may also realise this by now :D
    Boardman Team carbon LE #077
    2008 Rockhopper Pro
  • gnashers
    gnashers Posts: 27
    ram038 wrote:
    Done this myself so speak from experience. Wiggle are\were selling the mech for £34 last week and I orderd the hanger, number 58, from BETD for £20.

    Hi RAM038 - I received the hanger from BETD today. It's the wrong one! To be fair I should have double checked. It looks like number 147 is the correct one (even has a note to say not to get confused with model 58).
    Of course, you may also realise this by now :D

    Was number 147 the correct one for the team carbon?
  • smallfishC
    smallfishC Posts: 17
    Did you ever find out if the 147 was the correct fit for a Boardman Team Carbon ? Tried Halfords and they siad it would take a week to order a part. BETD look quicker.
  • gnashers
    gnashers Posts: 27
    I ordered one from halfords last week, they said Wednesday this week it would be in stock, rang Wednesday afternoon, it was hard work, needless to say i don't have the new hanger yet....
  • Yes, 147 was the correct one. The BETD hanger is heaps better and you'll get it in a few days. Unsurprisingly Halfords never did get one in for me despite apparently ordering it at the time.
    Boardman Team carbon LE #077
    2008 Rockhopper Pro
  • hounslow
    hounslow Posts: 153
    halfords deal with BETD. i regularly speak with dan @ BETD about mech hangers.
  • smallfishC
    smallfishC Posts: 17
    Did you find you needed to adjust the new hanger when installing it - I dont own a Hanger Alignment Gauge. But if its new it should be straight and work without adjustment ?
  • I never used any gauge. There didn't appear to be any 'play' for adjustment from memory so not sure how you would perform that. I applied some screwlock on the two small screws as they don't want to be over tightened, and a quick tweak of the rear derallier and all was well.
    Boardman Team carbon LE #077
    2008 Rockhopper Pro
  • smallfishC
    smallfishC Posts: 17
    So I managed to get the replacement part from Halfords. Turned out to be the BETD part 147! it cost £21 ! Online was £16 but I needed it now so bought it anyway. Just for anyone else out there, buy it online and save a fiver. Easy enough to install and gears seem good now. The H screw is quite far out but if it works then I guess that is the main thing? Thks for advice.