Ethics on Abandoned Bicycles

ohlala! Posts: 121
edited March 2010 in Road general
Hi all,

Since I'm on holiday from uni I was thinking I should do something and ended up really wanting to build a fixie. The thing is budget is very minimum. So there is this beat up old raleigh frame (with columbus 531 tubing as well) that's been locked with no wheels anymore and it's been there for about 6 months. It's actually a nice frame and fits my height as well.

I'm so tempted to take it but it's locked and I tried to search on the Internet on local council policies regarding abandoned bicycles. Does anyone know anything about abandoned bicycles? Oh I'm in London by the way

Thanks for all your inputs


  • lae
    lae Posts: 555
    If it's been there for six months, I'd say it's fair game. By the way, Columbus are a tube maker but it was Reynolds who made 531.

    You could ask your council or police, but I don't know if they'd be able to give you any advice.

    I presume it's a pretty decent lock if it's been neglected for so long... you'd think someone would've had it by now!
  • stickman
    stickman Posts: 791
    If you don't get it the next thing to happen will probably be the council removing it and taking it to the local tip.
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  • priory
    priory Posts: 743
    have a very careful look at the frame before bothering to do anything
    If it is at all bent it will probably not be worth taking
    I once got a £1 bike from police auctions and only once i got it home did I find it went round in a circle to the left and was difficult to persuade to go a closer look it seemed to have been subjected to a large weight on its left side .Still , the componenets have come in handy down the years.
    Raleigh Eclipse, , Dahon Jetstream XP, Raleigh Banana, Dawes super galaxy, Raleigh Clubman ... =slideshow
  • Splottboy
    Splottboy Posts: 3,693
    I've never ridden in Essex on an abandoned bike...
  • don't get caught 'nicking' it

    48/19 Winter : 105 Summer
  • Lazarus
    Lazarus Posts: 1,426
    Well did you take it ?

    sorry for being off topic but

    Hi Combat long time no see, still doing the IOW ?
    A punctured bicycle
    On a hillside desolate
    Will nature make a man of me yet ?
  • bagpusscp
    bagpusscp Posts: 2,907
  • ohlala!
    ohlala! Posts: 121
    Well did you take it ?

    I'm still trying because I can't get the D lock open. The council hasn't replied anything.
  • Lazarus
    Lazarus Posts: 1,426
    A punctured bicycle
    On a hillside desolate
    Will nature make a man of me yet ?
  • Wear a Hi Viz jacket and chances are no-one will ask what you're doing, they generally presume you are some official of I am told.
    Best of luck.
    being a reformed stuntdrinker allows pontification
  • Thief
  • Yep, a high viz jacket a clpiboard and a pair or bolt cutters! Oh and if you can get a white van, even better! :twisted:

  • bagpusscp
    bagpusscp Posts: 2,907
    Was this you making a get away :?: