Going bareback

cw42 Posts: 205
edited January 2010 in MTB general
It's not until you drive to a ride start that you realise how much stuff you have to wear prior to starting out. So, there I was, making sure I've packed a change of clothes, towel, trainers and a hat for the post ride, then sorting out my helmet, glasses, buff, gloves, shoes, overshoes, oh, and not forgetting the bike!
All packed into the car, and unpacked on the other side. Son plays rugby, I'm off for a ride. Until I realise I'd forgotten my backpack!
No phone, no spare tubes, cable ties, puncture repair kit, compass(?) So, do I ride, or just not bother in case I puncture far from the rugby club?
What would you do?
I rode, and took the risk. Which I was glad of, as nothing happened, and son kindly lent me his phone so I did have an 'out' just in case :)
Still, just goes to show how much trickier it is to plan for a ride away from home.
live long, eat biscuit


  • fatwomble
    fatwomble Posts: 117
    As mine is a Camelbak I wouldn't have ridden. If I had another means of hydrating I probably would have.

    It's horrible to ride knowing you don't have all the normal stuff to get you home in the event of a problem.
  • Dr S
    Dr S Posts: 146
    how often do you guys get flats? I frequently just set out with a bottle and a fiver.

    Kona Kula Supreme, the hardtail
    Scott Spark 20 the softtail
    Cannondale CAAD9 the roadie
  • fatwomble
    fatwomble Posts: 117
    edited January 2010
    Dr S wrote:
    how often do you guys get flats? I frequently just set out with a bottle and a fiver.


    Often enough to be pretty concerned if I didn't have the means to repair one. I wouldn't fancy walking 7 or more miles back :(
  • projectsome
    projectsome Posts: 4,478
    sods law states as soon as i leave it all at home i get a puncture.
    FARKBOOK TWATTER Happiness is my fucking mood!
  • covelove
    covelove Posts: 209
    once left my rucksack at the top of glentress on the second time round and didnt realise till nearly the bottom, had to go round a third time to go get it, ouch!
    glad i didnt get a puncture that day!
    does my tail look hard in this?

    cove stiffee

    orange 222
  • cw42
    cw42 Posts: 205
    Dr S wrote:
    how often do you guys get flats? I frequently just set out with a bottle and a fiver.


    my last flat was in my road bike, and I only noticed it while I was still at home! Not had a flat or mechanical problem on my Mtb for a while. Well apart from my rear cassette hub breaking, which I wouldn't of been able to fix anyway :(
    live long, eat biscuit
  • I'm always a little paranoid, so I always carry a spare tube and CO² canisters, I also carry patches just in case I get more than one flat. This is stored in my HydraPak backpack.
    I always carry a Topeak under saddle bag with an extra CO² inflator, canisters, tyre levers and patches just in case I don't have my HydraPak on, liked during a short commute ride on the HT commuter. I switch this between bikes and never leave home without it..
    How often do I get punctures? I would say one in six rides, so about 15% average. Most of my flats usually caused by thorns.
  • cw42 wrote:
    my last flat was in my road bike, and I only noticed it while I was still at home! Not had a flat or mechanical problem on my Mtb for a while. Well apart from my rear cassette hub breaking, which I wouldn't of been able to fix anyway :(
    Shhhhh! The thorn gods will hear you and punish you for saying that! :wink:

    I brought my bike over to my parents house for the Christmas holidays as I stayed there for a week or so, and left my camelbak in Leeds :roll: Still decided to go out as I had a spare tube and a tool in the saddle bag. But after about 5 miles or so (of road riding - Bury is s**t for bridleways!) I was looking at the snow thinking 'mmmm refreshment'. Don't think I'd leave without it again.
    It takes as much courage to have tried and failed as it does to have tried and succeeded.
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