What's The Point?



  • joshtp
    joshtp Posts: 3,966
    the v8 copys are cheaper and soooo much better.
    I like bikes and stuff
  • Thank's all for the advice. Just too late to ask for V 8 copies as suggested, but will know next time. Have checked and stuffed in extra grease (they were a bit light on it) so we shall see.

    Also, thanks for pointing out that Damart is not a wicking material. No wonder I kept drowning. Have bought a proper wicking underlay and will wear a thin woollen jersey on top. Perhaps the Altura will be transformed? Once again thank's.
  • Northwind
    Northwind Posts: 14,675
    Still sounds to me like you're just running a bit hot... Sure, some people sweat more than others but if you sweat a bucket, then no waterproof is ever going to be breathable enough. It's a balance...
    Uncompromising extremist
  • IMHO -

    All "breathable" fabrics have a limit to how much they breath - generally more expensive = more breathable, but if you are working hard, sweating and its raining, you are going to be wet inside the jacket however much you spend.

    You have to compropmise waterproofing against breathability, and possibly dress a bit lighter to reduce the sweating (might be cold at frst but you'll soon warm up after 10 minutes). Northwind is also right that you must have all layers wicking, otherwise one will get wet and stay wet.

    On cold damp days I tend to use a wicking T shirt (or 2), maybe a thin fleece jumper (vey thin) and a very light "breathable" shower proof (more breahable than waterproof). Once I have warmed up I tend to stay warm, but only damp rather than wet inside. If its peeing down, then you are going to get wetter......
  • Thank you. Will heed advice. Happy riding.
  • joshtp
    joshtp Posts: 3,966
    i tend to wear a super light (its like tissue paper) wiking layer, then a light super soft wiking mega breathable base/jersey
    on colder days i wear another very thin fleece layer with a super long vent zip, that has been waterproofed with spray for some extra shower proofing, or when its wet i wear a breathable jacket instead of the fleece.
    when it was mega cold (-5 and colder) i wore both the fleece and the jacket.
    i never get too sweaty, i stay warm and dry at all times. and while i usualy start off a bit cold, im just right after 10mins...
    I like bikes and stuff
  • BigJimmyB
    BigJimmyB Posts: 1,302
    I just got some Gusset Slim Jim (like me!) MK2 pedals.

    £20 in white off eBay. Paired with 5-10 stealth soled shoes, my feet are GLUED to the pedals!
  • tdougan
    tdougan Posts: 152