Rhythms of the slopes and trails.....

brady10 Posts: 195
edited January 2010 in MTB general
Random Topic Here, Just wondering if anyone has any favourite songs to listen too while tearing down the trails?

Any tunes that make ya go that little bit faster, give ya the confidence to that huge jump......or a song to make ya slow down and relax? :P
WOW really? Carbon Fibre Hubs?? Well how about chucking that kebab in the bin?


  • Torres
    Torres Posts: 1,266
    Don't really like riding with music, kills the peace of an XC ride or drowns out any mechanical gremins that are grinding away at something expensive.

    For me, when i'm riding well the only thing i want to hear is the sound of the trail under my wheels. The sound of my tyres railing a corner only serves to make me pin it even more.
    What We Achieve In Life, Echoes In Eternity
  • Northwind
    Northwind Posts: 14,675
    Me too, but I've been known to sing while riding :oops: It's less socially awkward on a motorbike, nobody can hear it but on last year's bikeradar demo day at glentress I went tearing down pennel's vennel singing "Bad Things Are Coming/We Are Safe" by Emmy the Great, loudly and tunelessly, while cutting through a pack of beginners :lol: I think i put them off a wee bit.
    Uncompromising extremist
  • Jimchoc
    Jimchoc Posts: 18
    Use to ride with music all the time, mostly metal to get the blood pumping but after I slid off a bridge into 4 foot of water still clipped in and going in subm,arine mode the ipod died and since then I really got into riding to without music, plus the sound of the wind against the earphones was always a nuisance.

    Now got a sansa clip and some headphones that plug into your ears thus removing the windnoise I'm starting to get back into sounds on the ride - Slayer and Metaliica on the local single track is dangerous
  • Atz
    Atz Posts: 1,383
    Only ever ride with music on the road (and even then quietly to be able to hear traffic). I want to hear what noise the bike is making (to save killing myself if something is about to snap) and the general sounds of where I'm riding because, after all, that's one of the reasons for going out to the country.

    Also, being stuck behind some muppet with headphones turned up so loud they can't hear you and so won't let you past is a pain.
  • R2 D2
    R2 D2 Posts: 34
    Foo fighters seem to get my legs going
  • joshtp
    joshtp Posts: 3,966
    i listen to music sometimes, and find kings of leon,. and ACDC (sep back in black....) to be good.
    I like bikes and stuff