Harder ride

Hondated Posts: 136
Cumulonimbus I did the lauret side of the Galibier and I rode up from Briacon where I was staying and found it a tough climb.I stopped many times but I never walked one part of it.Weight and age certainly are not an asset when it comes to climbing mountains.
But in previous years I have stayed at the bottom of Alpe Du Hez and climbed that several times. Not non stop again.But the hardest ride I have had so far is cycling from Borg ouisan over to the Croix De Fer. It took me two years to complete because the first time I just had to turn back but when I got there and took the picture of mt bike under the "coathanger" it was all worthwhile.
If you want to make it a little easier you could stop at The Glandon but why do that when with just a little more effort you could get up to Croix De Fer.

When I get my act together I need to get down to the Holy Graik The Ventoux. Perhaps it will be a present to myself next year when I am 60.

Whatever you do enjoy yourself.