FAO: Dave Hill

Mancunianfightingcat Posts: 2,054
edited January 2010 in The Crudcatcher
A while back you posted some pictures of a newly finished stretch of the Pennine Bridleway, but as far as I remember you wouldn't tell us where it was. I can't find the thread so can you spill the beans now and give me a grid reference or something......please?


  • don't have a grid ref at mo as sat on toilet. but if you google map or bikehike "gorple road", it's at the bottom of the track going clockwise (or up gorple)on the left or coming down on the right. if you follow mtl from hurstwood clockwise you will see gorple track on the map and physically you can't miss it as it has a nice new gate and is hard core packed. hth
    Cotic Soul rider.
  • cheers fella,

    knew it was round there somewhere, but was stupidly looking at an old copy of Memory Map, I've found it now on Google Maps. Any ideas of a way of linking it into a ride from Worsthorne?
  • yep ded ded ded eezi. from worsthorne centre (which is very tiny) follow the sign post that says gorple rd, thru the gate at the end and you are on the mtl / pennine bridleway, few hundred yards on the left is the gate to the new bit as previously described. in fact you cannot get any more of a perfect start for the new bit. good luck and enjoy
    Cotic Soul rider.
  • going up or down gorple road be very aware of a vicious little terrier which will surprise you. won't bite but just surprise. can be very disconcerting when flying down gorple road into worsthorne which very very fast and enjoyable.
    Cotic Soul rider.
  • Found it!

    Think someone had left the wind machines on over on the Long Causeway though. Jeez it was blustery.

    It's a fun stretch of new track with a couple of good descents, made a loop out of it back up the road to Widdop Res and up the hill, down the top of Gorple Road, blast down to Hurstwood, flick through the woods, past the pot heads in the car park and back to Worsthorne. I was surprised how much snow there's still up there, but at least there's no mud! :D

    Cheers for you help Mr Genius!!
  • strange about the snow, not much round my way and some parts are way higher. did the dog come running out of the farm?
    Cotic Soul rider.
  • The snow's a good 2 foot deep in places, probably where it's drifted. But it's most of the way down Gorple Road from the crags at the top, oddly though there doesn't seem to be much on the moorland, just on the bl00dy track :evil:

    No dog tonight, but I think I've seen it in the past.