Thoughts on Bernard Kohl Interview in ProCycling

donrhummy Posts: 2,329
edited January 2010 in Pro race
I think there's good and bad coming out of his "revelations".

1. It's good that he acknowledges his lying (referring to past comments about cycling finally going in the right direction with drug testing - rid us of those dopers!)

2. It's bad in that now it makes you question all those people who are staunch supporters of dope-testing (for example, when ProCycling later mentioned Max Testa's anti-doping stance, Kohl's comments were running through my head)

3. I mentioned this a while back but I still find it VERY suspect that the passport had caught or publicly "suspected" ZERO riders...until Kohl's comment that the passport HELPED him hide doping. Then just EIGHT DAYS later, the first ever riders were announced. A coincidence?

4. Why is no one in the anti-soping field working closely with riders like Kohl to find out more about his emotional/mental state such that he was fine doping, so we can not only punish but also prevent?