Cycling Manager Online

Neil McC
Neil McC Posts: 625
edited March 2010 in Pro race
Anybody had a go at this? Free to play. Seems like a bit of fun, although with a race everyday I find it hard taking the time to keep up properly and fiddle with all the settings, training, fitness and tactics etc.

Due to having a mac I never picked up the PC game, so thought I'd have bit of a go on this. How much does it differ from the PC game?

Sorry if posted in the wrong place (due to being a game and not the real thing) but I thought it might interest people who read/post on here.

oh, and I'm new here, hi. :D


  • deltadawn
    deltadawn Posts: 168
    Hi Neil,

    I haven't tried cyclingmanager online yet, but I played the Tour de France online last summer (made by the same people) and it was a lot of fun! I'll probably try cycling manager sometimes soon.

    Sorry I can't be of more help, but welcome to the forum. :-)

  • JayD77
    JayD77 Posts: 11
    I played a bit the end of the 1st season. The 2nd season beta is now live. They've added a ton more management features for this season. There is a skills development tree that adds various capabilities, and because only one skill can be developed at a time, in live time, one needs to plan a strategy. There is now management of riders, hiring, firing, managing a budget, promotion and relegation at the end of the season between the 4 different levels (I think 100 - 200 teams move up/down depending on the level interface).

    Features that were already part of the game: planning race tactics, managing the roster to decide which riders race which races, planning training and effort (riders can only peak periodically throughout the season). Riders have various different roles and skills, and team tactics on the road seem to matter. After a race you can watch a replay to see what your riders did with the tactics you selected. There are a mix of races. I'm in the amateur rank right now, so I find myself doing races like tour of argentina, tour of south africa, GP Canada, you get the picture. As one moves up through the levels, the races become more known, and at the highest level the grand tours are encountered.

    Don't expect graphics. There are none to speak of.

    I think if you join now you'll be put on the playground. This means you will play a practice season before being moved up to amateur. I think the playground skips over a lot of the management details so that you can focus on learning how to apply tactics, plan training, and rider selection.

    Right now the beta is buggy. There have been a couple of reversions to previous state, and the site has been down for maintenance the past 48 hours. Basically it will take a few more weeks, IMO, to sort the major bugs, then they'll try to play out the season.

    It's pretty addictive, I'll warn. :wink: