hope m4's rubbish?



  • yoohoo999
    yoohoo999 Posts: 940
    I've had in the last 2 years (on two different bikes):

    Mono 4's
    Code 5's
    Elixir R's
    Tech M4's

    I rank them in the following order:
      Tech M4's Elixir R's Chocolate Fireguard Glass Hammer Skirting Board Ladder Pheromone "Lady Attractor" Aftershave Mono 4's Code 5's Codes

    If your Tech M4's aren't stopping you to your expectations, there's probably something going wrong with them. My mate takes my bike on 3-5 minute DH runs and he weighs about 16-17 stone kitted up and is a wuss (ie brakes a lot). He loves them. He's got Elixir R's on his hardtail.