Fitting Kenda Nevegals

Bignige Posts: 223
edited January 2010 in MTB workshop & tech
Hi all

I may may be being a div but has anyone else had or are having trouble fitting Kenda Nevegals??

I just bought a pair of 26 x 2.35 Nevegals (Folding Bead, Duel Tread Compond and Side Wall Shield) to replace the Maxxis Minnions on my Spesh Enduro as the Maxxix weigh a ton and roll slower than a lethargic slug, I cannot for the life of me get them over my rims (standard DT Swiss tubeless rims that came with the bike). In fact I even found it easier to fit my Minions even though they have a side wall like a car tyre!!

I managed to get one bead on the rim but it was so tight even when it sat in the well of the rim that I couldn't turn it on the rim, I'm beggining to think it may be because of the rim design........any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated!!

By the way, have fitted plenty of slick race car tyres which are an ar#se to do so am not entirely without skill (I think)

Ride it like you stole it.........Yeah Baby!!!

2008 Spesh Enduro SL Expert
2010 Fuji Roubaix 1.0 Ltd Edition


  • robertpb
    robertpb Posts: 1,866
    That's strange my minions weigh the same weigh as a nevegal 700g.

    Always just put my minions on with my bare hands. :)

    Never tried nevegals, but some tyre makes do come up tighter on the rim.
    Now where's that "Get Out of Crash Free Card"
  • Bignige
    Bignige Posts: 223
    I have the Minion DHF and DHR ( fitted to mine which weigh in at a porky 1.2 Kgs a peice and you aint gonna fit those babies by hand unless your real name is Lou Ferigno!!
    Ride it like you stole it.........Yeah Baby!!!

    2008 Spesh Enduro SL Expert
    2010 Fuji Roubaix 1.0 Ltd Edition
  • richg1979
    richg1979 Posts: 1,087
    i have a pair of 2.35 kenda nevegals and they drop on with no leavers needed to dt swiss rims.

    i also have a pair of minions but the single ply versions and thy roll 100 times better than nevegals.

    between the weight diffrence of the maxxis and extra drag of the nevegals i dont think you will be making any diffrence unless they are supertackys then the nevegals will be a bit better.
  • Northwind
    Northwind Posts: 14,675
    Yeah, I use Nevegals, they've always been a piece of cake to fit. I take it you're pushing the tyre down into the channel on the rim?
    Uncompromising extremist
  • Bignige
    Bignige Posts: 223
    Yeah, I'm just thinking that the channel may not be deep enough for these tyres, used to be able to get the original OEM Specialized tyres on and off a treat so maybe these tyres are just not particularly compatable! :(

    Thinking of trying leaving them in the airing cupboard to soften a bit but am just concerned what will happen if I get a puncture!!
    Ride it like you stole it.........Yeah Baby!!!

    2008 Spesh Enduro SL Expert
    2010 Fuji Roubaix 1.0 Ltd Edition
  • Matt 24k
    Matt 24k Posts: 186
    I also find it tough getting Nevegals on DT Swiss rims. You need to make sure that the bead is pushed into the centre of the rim to give you a couple of extra mm of room. I use a little soapy water on the rim and bead and that normally does it. Fitting Nevegals to my Mavic XM719 rims is so much easier, they just pop on.
  • lesz42
    lesz42 Posts: 690
    Nevegals 2.1 dtc onto dt swiss 4.2 d rims bit tight but ok
    Giant Trance X0 (08) Reverb, Hope Hoops 5.1D, XT brakes, RQ BC, Works Components headset 1.5