Has Brailsford moved the goal posts?

Chip \'oyler
Chip \'oyler Posts: 2,323
edited January 2010 in Pro race
I was down the gym at lunchtime, on the Nordic skiing machine. Casually staring at the TV screen when Brailsford pops up on Sky Sports. The sound wasn't on, but they did have Teletext subtitles. I know these can sometimes be wrong, but his parting words were "my aim is Team Sky to be the first British Team to win the Tour de France".

I'm sure I didn't imagine this - but I'm pretty sure when Brailsford announced his plans that he wanted to aim for a British rider to win the tour?
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  • Garz
    Garz Posts: 1,155
    Dont you mean "British rider" ? :)
  • Tusher
    Tusher Posts: 2,762
    No, he's just put the goal posts back in the store cupboard.
  • hockinsk
    hockinsk Posts: 100
    Without knowing what the complete context was, what else he said before or after that sentence and what the questions asked was, it's all kind of pointless speculating isn't it?